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Sunkar nursery birds. Almaty.

Hunting with golden eagle in Almaty.
“The eagle has no fear of adversity. We need to be like the eagle and have a fearless spirit of a conqueror!”
Joyce Meyer.
Hunting with hunting birds in Kazakhstan.
The nursery for birds Sunkar is in 7 kilometers from Almaty in Big Almaty the gorge, in the foothills of Zailiyskiy Ala-Tau. It is nursery birds of rare and endangered species of birds, unique on the specific structure and equipment.
The nursery is the only thing in all territory of Kazakhstan on the profile. The nursery Sunkar is organized in 1989. During the activity the nursery grew up 1060 individuals of birds and let out them in the nature of 360 falcons of baloban.
Except birds in nursery part breeds of hunting dogs: breed "Tazy", Central Asian sheep-dog. During spectacular representation with freely flying birds of prey you will be told about traditions, customs, stories of falconry, one of the most ancient traditions which is hunting birds.
The show of birds of prey is a representation in which the main participants - birds of prey. It is not circus and not a zoo. Birds at the time of representation are not attached and are not in cages.
Several species of the birds of prey showing under the leadership of the skilled hawker-berkutchi, various ways of hunting participate in representation. Audience learns about falconry history, biological features and a way of life of birds of prey. Today Sunkar is in nursery 370 individuals of 15 species of birds of prey.
At the falcon Center work: nursery of birds of prey, a vivarium for cultivation of rats - a stern for birds of prey, nursery of dogs, a stable, hotel complex, horse walks in the neighborhood of nursery, the heated pool, restaurant.
Неге, injured hunting birds аге being taken саге of with love, or the eggs abandoned by birds of prey brooded and the fledgling birds made grow up under the most natural possible conditions. Falcons, eagles, owls - among them the most austerely protected species, can be admired from close by.
One learns much about these animals, but also about traditional hunting with wind hounds and hunting birds, on an exhaustive guided excursion. Some Kazakh barsoy rасе hounds аге being shown, together with Central-Asian shepherd dogs. It is planned to attract visitors with а hunting bird and dog show.
Who prefers to stretch one's legs, can walk and climb pretty far into the valley behind the station. The valley of the Stone Flowers (Kamenniy Tsvetok) is а picturesque karst valley which forks more than оnсе and over а distance of about five kilometer leads to the summer pastures.
Trips on horseback from the station are also possible. Show of birds of prey is a representation in which participate - birds of prey. It not circus and not a zoo. Birds in representation are not fasten and are not in cells. We offer entertainment representation with freely hunting and flying birds of prey in Kazakhstan.
Unique in Kazakhstan of show with birds of prey. Some kinds of the birds of prey showing participate in representation, under direction of man of experience hawker-berkutchi, various ways of hunting.
Spectators learn about history of a falconry, biological features and a way of life of birds of prey.
Representation with birds of prey in vicinities of Almaty are to conduct daily from 17.00, except for Monday.
Geographic coordinates of the nursery "Sunkar": N43 ° 07'41.07 "E76 ° 54'14.39"
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.