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Talib Makhdoom Madrasah.

About monuments of history and culture of Uzbekistan.
“Destroying monuments, save pedestals. They can always come in handy”
Stanislav Jerzy Lec.
Packaged tour in Khiva.
Madrasah was built by Makhdoom Talib, the scribe (Mirza) and a close person of Mohammed Rahimkhan II, Khan of Khiva and his vizier Islam Hoji in 1910 on the territory adjacent to the madrassah Islam Hodja.
"Makhdoom" (in translation from the Arabic language means – the person who is served) - pseudonyms (nickname) given to Pirs (spiritual mentors) and to Ustaz (teachers). Usually in the service of Pirs and Ustaz` there were murids (followers) and students.
The term "Makhdoom" in some places was used for designation of sons of Pirs, Ustaz and Ulema. For example: - one of the Sheikhs of the Muslim persuasion of Naqshbandiya Sayyid Ahmed ibn Sayyid Hojagi Djalaliddin Kassani Dahbedi was aggrandized by the name "Makhdumi Azam" (the Great Makhdoom).
Sometimes the word "Makhdoom" is used incorrectly as "Makhsum." Currently in Khorezm word "Makhdoom" in a distorted pronunciation used in the form of "Makhsum" - about people who know perfectly Arabic and Persian languages andwell acquired the religious and secular sciences, and also in respect of their descendants".
In madrassah Talib Makhsum basically scribes - calligraphers were trained, besides they also studied secular sciences. The building of the Madrassah was built by the Khivan masters Khudaibergen Haji and Qalandar Kochum.
By its structure the madrassah has a form of direct quadrangle (18,8 x 16,55 m. in dimensions), around the courtyard of the madrassah one storey hujras of the same shape are located. At the top of the low portal glazed bricks of green tones are laid out in two rows.
Through a small dome mionsaray corridor (darvazakhana) there is a passage to the courtyard. Darskhana (audience) and a mosque are located on both sides of the mionsarai. To the premises located at the corner of the yard (10,7 x 8,0 m) doorways aren't done.
Hujras surrounding the courtyard the of madrassah are covered by arches of "Balkhi" style, the front part of hujras are framed by shallow arches. Entrance An entrance to the hujras were through the doors set under these arches.
At the portal of the madrassah on the patterned beam over the door the date of construction is derived: 1328 Hijra (1910). In 1977 and 2006 in madrassah Talib Makhsum were conducted restoration works.