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Teshik kala fortress.

Guide to Karkalpakstan.
Amir Timur was especially afraid of people, “in whose character, like four elements, four bad qualities are combined:
1) envy,
2) stinginess,
3) greed,
4) arrogance"
Amir Temur.
Karkalpakstan on map of Uzbekistan.
Teshik Kala fortress, located on a natural hill 105 meters above sea level, in the northern part of the Kumbaskan sands, 9.9 kilometers south and slightly east of the Ellikala village, 6 kilometers southwest of the Okaltyn village in the Ellikala region of the Republic of Karakalpakstan.
Teshik kala - the ruins of the classic example of the Khorezm castle of the pre-Islamic time; a large building inside a settlement of the Afrigid era, which embodied in its monumental appearance the characteristic techniques and forms of the local castle architecture.
The rectangular massif of the castle was exposed, like a bastion, in the northern wall of the fortified courtyard, on its longitudinal axis - a technique that is private in the construction of ancient fortresses and goes back to the building traditions of the Ancient East.
The walls of the courtyard were adjoined from the inside by a continuous strip of dwellings of communal peasants, forming a house-village under a common roof. Later, this complex was surrounded by a new outer wall with corner round towers and a rectangular entrance building pushed outward, and the castle was almost in the center of a larger courtyard.
The Teshik Kala fortress was considered one of the strategically important points of Khorezm. The building is raised on a pachy stylobate of eight meters in height with beveled edges. Remnants of the previous building remained embedded in the thickness of the pakhsy monolith.
Geographic coordinates of the Teshik Kala ancient settlement: N41 ° 45'05.80 "E61 ° 02'39.16"
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