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Theatre musical comedy in Dushanbe.

Theatres of Khudjand.
Rest in Dushanbe.
Khudjand the theatre of a musical comedy of name Kamol Khudjandi is created in Leninabad (then Khodjent, nowadays Khudjand) in 1932 on the basis of city amateur collective. The structure of troupe included teachers Leninabd of musical school.
The first performances: "Victory" Djalil - about collective-farm construction, «Two communists» Yashin - about civil war. Formation of theatre was helped by directors of M. Saidov, H. Makhmudov, B.S.Volodarsky, M. of Item Troyan.
Performances: "Verdict" Tursun-zade (1935) - about struggle against nationalists, «Sharaf» Amin-zade (1936) - about industrialization of Tajikistan, «Sanavbar» Djalil (1939) - about liberation of women, «Tricks Skanepa» Moliere (1940). In 1947 the play A.Ostrovskiy "Thunder-storm" is put.
On a local material performances are constructed: «Two beauty and two loves» Saifitddinov (1957) - about youth on a virgin soil, «The Bad head does not give legs of rest» Sadik (1958), criticizing the negative phenomena of a life, etc.
Among prime-minister of last decades - «Thirst quencher» Nura Tabarova, «Boz gashti aem», on product АAbdulkhofiz Kodiri, «Yusuf lost again will return to Canaan», «The Dream of the butterfly».
At theatre worked: the national actor Tadjik SSR - director R.Erkaboev, T.Sultanova, B.Tadzhibaeva, O.Usmanova actresses; the honored artist Tadjik SSR T.Tadzhibaev, M. Ibragimova, A.Parniev, actors of M. Samandarov, S.Holmatov, N.Fazylova, etc.
Today among directors of theatre - Barzu Abdurazzakov, Davlat Ubaidulloev. The theatre in the beginning carried a name of great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, from ninetieth years he carries name Kamol Khudjandi.
At theatre it is put more than thousand performances of different genres and directions: dramas and melodramas, performances for children, musicals. The theatre is known not only in Tajikistan: to skill of its troupe judges of arts in France, Poland clapped, to Japan, China, to India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.
The address of theatre: 735700, Tajikistan, Sofd province, Khudjand, street Firdousi, 140.
The Tourist guidebook on monuments of Khudjand. 2012.
Alexander Petrov.