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Third Turgusun lake.

Guided walking tour on environs Kazakhstan Alltai.
“Books are the plane, and the train, and the road. They are the destination, and the journey. They are home”
Anna Quindlen,
Observing excursion from Ust-Kamenogorsk to Altai.
The third Turgusun lake is located at the eastern tip of the Ivanovo ridge on a leveled moraine at an altitude of 2075 meters above sea level in the Ridder region of East Kazakhstan region on the territory of the West-Altai National Reserve.
This is a small, elongated lake from which streams of water break down with two powerful waterfalls. The eastern part of the lake lies on flat horizontal, granite slabs, from where the Big Turgusun River flows, which is divided into two streams and forms two grandiose waterfalls.
The right waterfall cascades at an angle of 75 degrees, the left small waterfall falls down vertically. The third Turgusun lake is at the same height as the Fourth lake, the length of the lake is 138 meters, the largest width is 47 meters.
The distance from the Second to the Third Turgusun Lake is 270 meters.
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.