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Tours over architectural places of interest of Bukhara.
“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior”
Silk Road Treasure Tours in Bukhara.
Toki-Tilpak-Furushon, or the “dome of headgear sellers”, stands at a difficult intersection to which the southern gate of Shahristan used to go. Having built the center of the dome on six supports, the architect laid a regular hexagon in the layout of this shopping arcade.
This allowed him to tie five streets into one knot. In this place they still trade in skullcaps, turbans, fur hats. Part of Toki-Tilpak-Furushon is the northern dome gallery, which adjoins another building of the XVI century. - Bath Misgaron.
From the west, a medieval caravanserai adjoins the domed bazaar.Toki-Tilpak-Furushon ("Dome sellers hats", the 2nd half of XVI century). This building was built over the crossing of five streets that intersect at different angles. Its entrance is marked with portals.
Skilled crank turns make the transition to a correct hexagonal central space, covered with a dome with large windows at its base, providing good coverage. Around - small dome over the thoroughfares and shops.
Tim Abdulla-khana. 2nd half of XVI century. Extensive passage, intended for sale silk, a square in plan and dimes building. The main dome on octagonal base with windows closes the central space, around which is placed a lot of shops and associated vaulted galleries.
Tim has one input.
V.G Saakov «History of Bukhara». Publishing house "Shark", 1996. «Bukhara. Masterpieces of the Central Asia». The historical guidebook across Bukhara. 2012. "Bukhoro. Bukhara" In the Uzbek, English and Russian languages. Publishing house "Uzbekistan", Tashkent 2000. Mukhammad Narkshakhi. History of Bukhara. Tashkent. 1897 (translator N.Lykoshina). V.G.Saakov "Architectural masterpieces of Bukhara. A Bukhara regional society "Kitabhon" Uzbek SSR, Exactly 1991 Robert Almeev. "History of ancient Bukhara". (Under edition of the Academician of the Academy of sciences of Republic Uzbekistan of Rtveladze E.V.)
Alexander Petrov.