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Tomb of saint Azdembay Coterbayuly.

Travels in the Akmola region.
“Poetry and art are a special form of not only expression, but also cognition”
Jan Rainis.
Architectural monuments of Akmola region.
Azdembay Koterbayuly (1836 - 1916) - Kazakh national poet, sal-sere. Azdembay sal was born in the 19th century near Akmolinsk (Karaotkel area) and died at the beginning of the XXth century. The burial place is located near the village of Koyandy, Tselinograd district of Akmola region, 30 km from the city of Astana along the Astana-Pavlodar highway.
The people of Azdembay called sal. He was an ironic, satirical, venomous poet. One of the famous akyn improviser in Saryark. Poems written by Azdembay Sal often sound in Saryark. He took an example from Baluan Sholak, singer Gaziz, Zhayau Musa.
A man named Alpysbay Sattybayuly has preserved the heritage of Azdembay. The great-grandfathers of Azdembay sal are prominent people, such as the sage Aspantai and the sage Sauryk. The poet praises his great-grandfather Zhansary and father Koterbay in his songs.
However, to sing its origin is typical for Kazakh poets. All the ancestors of Azdembay sal were speakers. Azdembay sal also speaks of his singing in verse. Boztai Zhakypbaev collected the legacy of Azdembay sal and donated it to the manuscript fund of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences in 1946.
Zh. Ormanbaev handed over the manuscript in 1952. Genealogical collector Zhumatay Madiev (1923 - 1967) in 1961 donated the manuscript heritage of Azdembay to the fund. Aksakal Kusain Takezhanov helped to collect the heritage of Azdembay - Taupyk Azdembaev.
In 1947, the volume of material was 45 pages or 2801 lines of poetry. The fund has saved 42 pages. The material of Kusain Takezhanov is 27 pages or 1400 lines. Written by the Arab Taliban in 1947, Kusain Takezhanov’s first notebook is 27 pages long. It was written in 1944.
Information: Alpysbes M. Azdembay Sal "Bukhar Zhyrau". Encyclopedia. Almaty, 2013.