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Tomb of saint Edyge biy Tlebayuly.

Sacred walks in the Akmola region.
"From the dust of black to the heavenly bodies
I unraveled the secrets of the wisest words and deeds.
I avoided deceit, untangled all the nodes,
I could not untangle the knot of death"
Ibn Sina.
Sacred excursions from Astana to Yereimentau.
Edyge biy Tolebayuly (XVII - XVIII centuries) - Kazakh biy, a speaker from the subgener Aydabol of the Argyn genus of the Middle zhuz. The grave of the famous biy is located in the aul of Yeltay, Ereymentau district, Akmola region.
The gravestone was brought from Bayanaul Pavlodar region. Edyge biy was born in the family of Batyr Tolebay in the XVIIth century. In the folk lore recorded by Mashkhur Zhusup there is information about the descendant of Aydabol’s biy, a representative of the clan branch of Zhankozy - Edige Tolebayuly.
During the expedition to the Murintal tract, located on the territory of the Zhanatleksky aul okrug, local residents drew the attention of researchers to a huge stone - a boulder, about one and a half times the height of an adult. In the people, this stone was called - the stone Edyge biy (Edіge bidің tasy).
The ancestor of the clan Aydabol Edyge participated in the drafting of the law “Zhety Zargy”. Pedigree (shezhire) Edyge: Alash - Zhanaris - Kara Khoja - Argyn - Kutan (Kodan) - Meiram - Suyundik - Suginshy - Chumanak - Kulboldy - Idabol - Zhankozy - Tolebay - Edyge.
According to the legend, Edyge biy, seated on this stone, carried out judicial activities, appealed to his countrymen to unite in the fight against the Dzungarian invasion. The people praised him with such an expression: “Edyge biy price of a man (é) decided in two words” (“Erdin ңnyn ekі auyz sozzben sheshhedі”).
Edyge Biy was a member of the most authoritative Council of Biys under Khan Tauke. Edige biy was a politician who played a prominent role in resisting the Zhungar invasion and helped unite the Kazakh people.
Edyge is the father of Sean Bey. According to the writer Kalmukhan Isabaev, he, a man from the common people, managed to become the first senior sultan and united the four clans at Bayanaul. A well-known scientist S. Dauytov spoke about his activities as a biy, citing as an example the words of the pedigree researcher M. Zh. Kopeyev:
“M. J. Kopeev briefly retold the conversation between Tole bi and Edyge bi in Shezhire. ” Edyge, having seen the aul of Tole-biy, said with admiration: “Quarrels will not spread throughout the country of a just bi, and no enemies will walk on the land of a just king”.
Authority and Photos: Bukeshev Meyram Sarsetuly. The book “Dala men қala eskertkіshterі” “Publishing house LLP “Dәme” 2017, Astana.