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Tops in Zailiysky Ala-Tau.

Tour safari on jeeps Almaty.
“And if these mountains had eyes, they would wake to find two strangers in their fences, standing in admiration as a breathing red pours its tinge upon earth's shore. These mountains, which have seen untold sunrises, long to thunder praise but stand reverent, silent so that man's weak praise should be given God's attention”
Donald Miller. «Through Painted Deserts: Light, God, and Beauty on the Open Road».
Bicycle tours in North Tien-Shan.
Mountain part of Zailiysky Ala-Tau is between passes Kumbel in the West and Amanzhol in the east. In Zailiysky of Ala-Tau among climbers regions of the gorge of Small Almaty and a glacier Bogdanovich are the most popular.
The glacier is in a river basin the Left Talgar, the most convenient route, for ascension on its peak, the Small Almaty gorge is. Among climbers also gorges Big Almaty, Aksay, Kargaly, Kaskelen, Chemolgan in whom there are tops by which climbers did not rise are popular.
The western part of the Small Almaty gorge - the pass Kumbel, begins with glaciers Pogrebetsky of 4231 meters above sea level, peak of Lokomotiv of 4182 meters above sea level from which the pass turns on the North, to Zoya Kosmodemyanskay peak of 4108 meters above sea level, then on the northwest to peak of Molodezhny of 4147 meters above sea level.
Behind Molodezhny peak the pass Kumbel begins to go down and passes into ridges. In Sovetov ridge in a river basin of Big Almaty from Lokomotiv peak the ridge stretches to the Big Almaty lake. On a northern slope of the ridge are peak of Gorelnik of 4000 meters above sea level and peak of Sovetov of 4317 meters above sea level with the glacier of the same name.
To the north from Tuyuksu pass of 4100 meters above sea level there is strongly destroyed Tuyuksu peak of 4218 meters above sea level with 7 tops called by Tuyuksu Igly of 4213 meters above sea level. In the east from peak of Partizan of 4390 meters above sea level there is Ordzhonikidze peak of 4410 meters above sea level.
Not the high ridge in Ordzhonikidze pass of 3980 meters above sea level stretches from a glacier of Igly of Tuyuksu to east glacier of Ordzhonikidze. The tops located in a northern part of the pass are rocky. It is peak Mayakovsky 4208 meters above sea level with vertical 400-meter walls. An external part consists of marble limestones, and lower - of red granites.
Here the destroyed peak of the Great Patriotic War of 4050 meters above sea level and behind it peak Antikainen of 4000 meters above sea level. A snow saddle of the pass Antikainen and beautiful peak of the rock which later Manshuk Mametova 4194 meters above sea level called by the name.
In the north from the pass Manshuk Mametova of 3750 meters above sea level there are peaks of Heroes of Panfilov of 4120 meters above sea level, Uchitel of 4045 meters above sea level, Pioner of 4031 meters above sea level and Amangeldy of 4000 meters above sea level, Abay of 4010 meters above sea level, Shkolnik of 3590 meters above sea level.
Then the ridge begins to go down sharply. East branch of A little Almaty spur is stretched on 7 kilometers. Right at the beginning the snow top of peak of Karlytau of 4100 meters over sea level towers. The popular peak Nursultan of 4376 meters over sea level divided from Karlytau by the pass Komsomol of 4000 meters over sea level well is looked through from Almaty.
In the north from peak Nursultan is strongly destroyed ridge of Fizkulturnik of 4068 meters above sea level and peak Chkalov of 3892 meters above sea level. The pass Small Almaty without side ridges which tops are of wide interest at climbers.
On the northeast ridge Ordzhonikidze there are two peaks. On short east ridge Karlytau beautiful sharp towers of peak Aristov of 4102 meters above sea level are located, in the northeast of peak Komsomol peaks - the Sneg plateau of 3800 meters above sea level, Lastochkino gnezdo of 3880 meters above sea level, Uzbinka of 3910 meters above sea level, Trezubes of 4089 meters above sea level are located.
Material for this page is taken from the printing edition "Kazakhstan Guide" Baur. 2002, also books "Nature of Zailiysky Ala-Tau", M. Zh. Zhandayev, prod. Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata, 1978 "Across Northern Tien Shan", V. N. Vukolov, Moscow, Profizdat, 1991.
Alexander Petrov