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Home » Aral Sea tous in Kazakhstan. Adventures on the North Small Aral.

Tour from Aralsk to Aral Sea.

 Tourism in East near Aral Kazakhstan.

 «In the another's country the traveller - a bag with money which everyone wish to empty somewhat empty»

Victor Marie Hugo.

The short description of the tour route East Aral Sea region:

Kyzylorda - village Zhosalymemorial Korkyt-Atavillage Aiteke Bi (Kazalinsk) - site of ancient settlement Zhankent - village Kazaly - village Aktan Batyr - village Bekarystan Bikatankol lake - village ZhanakutylysKarateren villageAklak  waterworks facility - Bogen villageKoszhar villageKombash lakeAalsk town.

Distance of route: 583 km.
Season: from May, 1st till September, 15th.
 The best time for travel: May - August.
Duration tour: 3 days, 2 nights. 

Detailed the program day by day to Aralsk and Kazalinsk:

Tours from Kyzylorda to Aral Sea.

1 Вay. Almaty - Kyzylorda - settlement Aiteke Bi (Kazalinsk) (332 km). 
Transfer to the airport, start flight KS 975, at 08.25, in Kyzylorda. Arrival in Kyzylorda, at 10.15, meeting at the airport. Transfer to Kyzylorda (17 km). The beginning of excursion on city, visiting of regional history-study of local lore museum of city, museum has been formed in 1939.
After lunch continuation of excursion on city, visiting of memorial Korkyt-Ata. Visiting of the main area of city «Tagzym», train station land side the areas and railway station on which monument Gani Muratbaev - to the public figure and the leader of youth movement of Kazakhstan is located.
Visiting of the oldest monument of architecture - mosques «Aitbay», constructed in 1878 at financial support of merchant Aitbai Baltabaev. Visiting of the Piously-Kazan orthodox temple opened in 1896. Visiting of monument Syrdarya and quay of the river Syrdarya, stela in height of 40 meters, represents the Kazakh girl dancing in the national costume.
Visiting of monument devoted to Great Domestic war. After excursion on museum - lunch at restaurant «Kyz Zhibek». After lunch trabsfer: Kyzylorda - settlement Shagan - settlement Akzharma - settlement Tanshalapy - settlement Zhosaly - memorial complex Korkyt-Ata (168 km). It is the architectural complex, devoted to the thinker, the philosopher, the storyteller (VII - X c.c.) to the founder of Kazakh stringed- bowing music Korkyt-Ata. Excursion in museum and memorial complex Korkyt-Ata.
After excursion transfer to settlement Aiteke-Bi (Kazalinsk) (164 km). On way photographing from road of the Center of telemetering communication "Saturn" to vicinities of the cosmodrome Baikonur. Arrival in Kazalinsk, accommodation in hotel. The Sightseeing tour on city. The termination of excursion. Dinner in local cafe. Overnight in hotel. 
2 Day. Settlement Aiteke Bi
- settlement Kazaly - lake Katankol - settlement Zhanakurylys - settlement Karateren (116 km).
Breakfast. Excursion on settlement, visiting of memorial museum Gani Mutratbaev (the end XIX - the beginning of XX centuries), visit of monuments to the Soviet statesmen in small park at museum, visiting of mausoleum Karasakala Erimbeta (1850 - 1911) . Visiting house Ganibay (XIX century), buildings of city library (former mosque Ganibay, XIX century), mosque Nogay (mosque Nraly, XIX centuries), building of the regional house of culture of name of Rosa Baglanova (former church, 1904).
The Sightseeing tour on settlement, visiting of the city area of settlement. Transfer to ancient settlement Zhankent (22 km). Arrival on sites of ancient settlement Zhankent (Yngikent) (XV century). Walk on site of ancient settlement Zhankent.
According to medieval written sources, the city of Zhankent (Yngikent) in lower reaches of Syr-Darya was residence «Tsar Guzov». Return to Aiteke Bi (22 km). Lunch in local café. After lunch transfer: village Aiteke Bi – village Kazaly – village Aktan Batyr – village Bekarystan Bi – Katankol lake – village Zhanakyrylys – Karateren – village (116 km). On the way visit to memorial Asan-ata on the Syrdarya river. Arrival in Karateren. Transfer to Kook-Aral dam (33 km). Visit the Kook-Aral of dam. The dam has separated Small Арал from the Big Aral sea. Length of dam of 13 kilometers, owing to dam, the water level in Small Aral sea has risen up to level of 42 meter. Sluices of dam regulate level of Small Aral sea and surpluses of water are level in dried up Big Арал, the distance up to which every year increases. Returning in Karateren (30 km).  Accommodation in the house at countryman, dinner, overnight.
3 Day. Village Karatern – Aklak waterworks – village Bogen – Koszhar village – Kombash lake – Aralsk town (171  km).
Breakfast. Transfer: village Karateren – Aklak waterworks facility - (6 км). On way stop at Aklak hydrounit on the river Syr-Daryi which has been constructed for filling lakes which are above, before dam of hydrounit and filling flood-lands the rivers water, visit of hydrounit.
Further transfer: hydrounit Aklak - settlement Bogen - Koszhar fish hatchery (56 km). On way visiting of settlement Bogen. It is very picturesque settlement with beautiful mosque and school constructed in 1954. After visiting settlement Bogen we drive to the bridge constructed through an isthmus between lake Kombash and Laikol. In this district there is about ten lakes, this lake Kymystybas, Sarykkol, Kayazdy, Lakol, Kuly, Koyazdy, Zhalanashkol Raiymkol, Suykkol, Karakol, Aksgatau, Tuchybas.
Arrival in village  Koszhar, visiting of factory with the Israeli equipment established on it and fish hatchery. After visiting fish hatchery, transfer on lake Kombash (23 km). Arrival on lake - rest, bathing, walks. Lunch on lake. After lunch transfer to Aralsk (86 km). Arrival in Aralsk. The beginning of excursion on Aralsk, visiting of railway station, survey of a building of station, visit of sailing vessel and monument to victims of reprisals being on the area at railway station.
Visiting of city museum. Continuation of excursion on city: visiting of museum to fishermen, museum of the ships of the Aral flotilla open-air, the city area with monuments to khan Abulkhair, monument Zhibek and Tulegen, stella "Kazakhstan", walk on the area at office block akimat and visit of monuments - to the fisherman and horse Przhevalskii, avenues of heroes. Dinner in cafe "Chinson". Accompanying service at departure to train station, departure from Aralsk.

Distances on route «To Berg's isthmus on Small Aral».

The town of Kyzylorda - memorial «Korkyt-Ata» - 168 km.
Memorial «Korkyt-Ata" settlement Aiteke Bi (Kazalinsk) - 164 km.
Settlement Aiteke Bi - settlement Karateren - 116 km.
Settlement Karateren - The Cook-Aral dam - 30 km.
Settlement Karateren - Aklak hydrounit - 6 km.
Aklak hydrounit - settlement Koszhar (fish hatchery) - 56 km.
Settlement Koszhar - lake Kombash - 23 km.
Lake Kombash - the town of Aralsk - 86 km.

Train schedule from station Aralsk - Almaty:

The train 24 «Aktobe - Almaty », daily, from Aralsk, at 06.24.
The train 377 « Mangyshlak - Almaty», daily, from Aralsk, at 02.35.
The train 34 «Aktobe - Almaty», daily, from Aralsk, at 08.02.
The train 41 «Atyrau - Almaty», daily, from Aralsk, at 12.35
The train 7 «Moscow - Almaty», daily, from Aralsk, at 02.22.


All trains from Aralsk to Almaty and on other directions passing.

Notes and recommendations to "Tour from Aralsk to Aral Sea".

1. Quantity the person in group no more than 12 person.
2. The toilet in the guest house is in settlement Aralsk outside of the house. The soul in the house is not present, there is a bath in which it is possible to be washed by hot water. For a lodging for the night in the guest house to you will suggest to be placed on a floor in the house on mattresses with bed linen in a separate room. The guest house, is the house in which there live also owners of this house.
3. The toilet in the guest house is in settlement Karateren outside of the house. The soul in the house is not present, there is a bath in which it is possible to be washed by hot water. For a lodging for the night in the guest house to you will suggest to be placed on a floor in the house on mattresses with bed linen in a separate room. The guest house, is the house in which there live also owners of this house.
4. From settlement Kazaly up to settlement Karaterena, from settlement Karateren up to the Kok-Aral of dam both from the Kok-Aral of dam and up to settlement Bogen the way lays on macadam road, recommended maximal speed, no more than 60 kilometers at an o'clock.
5. Transfer on motor vehicles UAZ, absence of conditioners, dust in interiors of the car are possible.

The note:
Author program is Alexander Petrov. Copying and use - from the sanction of the author

Alexander Petrov