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Tour petroglyphs Kaskabulak.

Excursion tours over reserve Aksu-Zhabagly.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
Lao Tzu.
The short description of a route of excursion walk on horses in natural boundary Kaska-Bulak:
Settlement Zhabagly - gorge Kshi-Kaindy - natural boundary Ulken-Kaindy natural boundary Kaska-Bulak - settlement Zhabagly.
Distance of route: 32 km.
Season: from April 1th till September, 30th.
Best time for excursion: April, May, June.
Advanced reservation: for 48 hours.
Duration of the tour: 1 days.
The detailed program of an excursion trip to snow passes of reserve Aksu-Zhabagly:
Travel package in reserve Aksu-Zhabagly.
Transfer to the beginning of walk on horses in vicinities gifts «Asel» (5 km). Hiking: hotel "Asel" - field base a small house botanist 1800 meters above sea level - gorge Ulken-Kaindy - natural boundary Kaska-Bulak (12 km). Botanical walk in vicinities of a small house botanist, walk to a falls on the river Kishi-Kaindy. The maximal height of mountains in reserve Aksu-Dzhabagly - 4240 meters above sea level, is height of the highest peak in reserve Sairamsky.
The majority of high mountains is located within the limits of 3000 meters above sea level. These heights on passes are most accessible Kishi-Kaindy, Ulken-Kaindy and in a high-mountainous foundation ditch of mountain Kaska-Bulak. On these tops good foot both horse tracks and excursion on each of them are laid can borrow no more than one day.
At heights over 2500 meters the vegetation begins: Juniperus turkestanica, Jniperus semiglobosa, high grasses are replaced by colourful low grasses subalpine meadows. In places where a lot of moisture it is possible to see small Alpine meadows.
All high-mountainous plants not high growth, have large and bright flowers which are unusually beautiful. In high mountains it is possible to meet some kinds of rare plants Oxytropis, Geranium saxatile, Polygonum, Trollius altaicus, Ligularia along the rivers, a field of onion Fedchenko Allium fedtschenkoanum, Ranunculus and Pedicularis korolkowii, Allium oreophilum, Aster alpinus, Primula minkwitziae, Corydalis gortschakovii, Paraquilegia anemonoides and other attractive plants including Onobrychis echidna.
Here we meeting Pyrrhocorax graculus Alpine Chough, Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax Red-billed Chough, Rock Bunting, Prunella fulvescens Brown Accentor, mountain Water Pipit and лесныхTree Pipit. Along toward evening on a juicy grass on hollows it is possible to see brown bear Brown Bear.
From rocks for us will be observe some tens mountain goats Ibex. Most appeal borrows travel on top of mountain Kaska-Bulak, with height of 3200 meters above sea level. Here in a hollow there is a gallery petroglyphs, time of a bronze age. In pictures, under the southern sun, stones it is possible to see wild and pets, a stage of hunting. Here more than 2000 figures.
From passes the grandiose panorama on mountain tops with eternal snows - the present highland opens. In the opposite party tiny settlements with fields and roads are visible. If you are well prepared, on any pass you can rise on foot. It is much easier to make this walk on a horse of whom during stops and excursions on tops will care accompanying. Excursions need to be planned for pass after spending the night on field base, or if to the beginning of rise you go on a jeep. Otherwise you will not have not enough either time, or forces on walks to pass.
The author program is Alexander Petrovs. Copying and introduction - only from the sanction of the author - The material for excursion is given by Evgeniy Belousov.
Alexander Petrov