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Home » Katon-Karagay park tours.National Natural Park. Kazakhstan Altai.

Travel to Kazakhstan Altay.

Travel on lakes of Kazakhstan Altai - Markakol, Yazevoe and Rakhmanovskoe.

The short description of the tour route from Markakol lake to Rakhmany lake:

Almaty – Zhangiztobe train station - Ust-Kamenogrsk – Bukhtarma reservoir – Shakelmes valley - Keiin-Keriish valley - Zaisan lake - Markakol lake – Austrian mountain road - Lake Jazevoe - Rakhmany Lake - Berel archaeological excavations – Zyryanovsk - Ust-Kamenogrsk – Almaty.

Distance route: 2571 km.
Season: June - 1 of September.
The best time for an tour: July, August.
Duration tour: 13 days, 12 nights.

Detailed the program day by day from Almaty to Ust-Kamenogorsk:

The first variant of tour. Flight by the plane to the beginning of travel across the Kazakhstan Altai.

1 Day. Almaty – Ust-Kamenogorsk (1389 km).
Arrival in Almaty, meeting at the airport, transfer to hotel, accommodation, rest. Breakfast. Excursion on the town, visiting: park 28 Panfilovsev, Cathedral, museum of musical instruments, State national museum, valley Medeo, Area of Republic (4 hours). In second half of day flight in town of Ust Kamenogorsk (2 hours). Arrival in Ust Kamenogorsk, meeting at the airport, transfer to hotel, accommodation. Overight.
2 Day. Ust-Kamenogorsk - Bukhtarma reservoir – Shakelmes valley (302 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Ust Kamenogorsk - village Leninka - village Samarskoe - village Kaznakovka - Kaznakovskay to ferry through Bukhtarma reservoir (180 km). To ferry on the through Bukhtarma water basin (4 km).
Transfer: Kanakovskay ferry - village Kujgan - village Kurchum - valley Shakelmes on coast of lake Zaisan (122 km). It is vicinities of valley Shakelmes magnificent ancient multi-coloured loam with unusual beauty of landscapes. Walks in vicinities of valley Shakelmes. Overnight in tents on coast of lake.

The second variant. Transfer by train to the beginning of travel across the Kazakhstan Altai.

Hiking Katon-Karagay natural park.

1 Day. Almaty – train station Zgangiztobe.
Arrival in Almaty, meeting at the airport, transfer to hotel, accommodation, rest. Breakfast. Excursion on city, visiting: park 28 Panfilovsev, Cathedral, museum of musical instruments, National museum, Area of Republic (4 hours). Transfer on railway station of Almaty-II. At 12.30 transfer by train Almaty - Ust Kamenogorsk up to station Zhangiztobe. Overnight in train.
2 Day. Train Station Zhangiztobe - lake Zaisan - valley Shakelmes (340 km). 
 Arrival on railway station Zhangiztobe at 7.00. Transfer: Zhangistobe - village Georgievka - vilage Kokpekty – village Bukon - Kanakovskay ferry through Bukhtarma water basin (218 km). A ferry on the ferry through Bukhtarminskoe water basin (4 km).
Transfer: Kaznakovskay ferry - village Kujgan - village Kurchum - valley Shakelmes on coast of lake Zaisan (122 km). It is vicinities of valley Shakelmes magnificent ancient multi-coloured loam with unusual beauty of landscapes. Walks in vicinities of valley Shakelmes. Overnight in tents on coast of lake.
3 Day. Valley Shakelmes - valley Kein-Keriish (41 km). 
Breakfast. Transfer: valley Shakelmes - lake Zaisan - valley Kein-Keriish (41 km). Vicinities of natural boundary Kein-Keriish are combined from clay, on the beauty this place has unique red, white and yellow nature architectural constructions from multi-coloured clay. Walks in vicinities of valley. Overnight in tents.
4 Day. Valley Kein-Keriish - pass Marble - lake Markakol (155 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: valley Kein-Keriish - village Terekty - pass Marble (113 km). In vicinities of village Moildy there is frontier post, here check of documents and permits. The further transfer on pass of Marble 1317 meters above sea level.
The stop on pass from here opens majestic panorama of vicinities, in the south in China barchans and sand of desert which borders by northern part on territory of Kazakhstan are well looked through.
Transfer: pass Marble - village Akzhalau - pass Tikkabak - village Urunkhajka (lake Markakol) (42 km). Arrival in village Urunkhajka, accommodation in the guest house or in tents. Overnight.
5 Day. Lake Markakol.
Breakfast. A walking tour in vicinities of lake Markakol. Walk on mountain which is to the east from village Urunkhajka, from here opens magnificent panorama of lake and neighboring mountains. Walk on ridge and descent to southern extremity of lake. Returning in base camp. After lunch walk on east coast of lake to small house of fishermen. In the evening Russian bath. Overnight in houses or tents.
6 Day. Cold valley.
Breakfast. Walk in the Cold Valley (5 km). Returning in village. Traditional evening bath. Overnight.
7 Day. Lake Markakol - pass Alatajsky - pass Burkhat - lake Jazevoe (140 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: village Urunkhaika (lake Markakol) the bridge through the river Sorvenok (the Austrian road constructed in the beginning of XX century by the captured Austrians) - pass Alatajsky of 1792 meters above sea level (20 km from here begins). The stop on pass, from here opens an impressing panorama of neighboring mountains and the Altay taiga.
Transfer: Pass Marble - the bridge through the river Karakoba (5 km). The bridge through the river Karakoba, picturesque place of our travel across Altai. The further transfer: river Karakoba - pass Burhat of 2141 meters above sea level (22 km). A stop on pass.
Fine panoramas of the Kazakhstan Altai, on the north the kind on valley of the river Buhtarmarma opens, from pass is visible thin thread the rivers leaving on the West. Transfer: pass Burhat - village Uryl (41 km). A stop in settlement Uryl, here it is possible to visit shop both to fill up supplies and to be reserved by water.
Transfer: village Uryl - village Berel - village Jazovaja - lake Jazevoe of 1656 meters above sea level (52 km). Arrival on lake Jazevoe. Accommodation in small houses Katon-Karagai of national park. Overnight.
8 Day. Lake Jazevoe (Karakol).
Breakfast. The lake Jazevoe is fascinating part of our way across the Kazakhstan Altai. Day of rest on lake Jazevoe. Walks in vicinities of lake. Walk to falls on the river Jazevaya (4 km). Returning in camp. In the evening Russian bath. Overnight.
9 Day. Lake Jazevoe - lake Rahmanovskie Kluychi (45 km). 
Breakfast. After a breakfast transfer: lake Jazevoe – village Jazovaya - lake Rahmanovskie Kluychi (40 km). The lake Rakhmanov is at height of 1760 meters above sea level (45 km). After descent from lake Jazevoe, we shall visit a facilities of marals. Arrival on lake Rahmanovskie Kluychi, accommodation in cottages of sanatorium Rahmanovskie Kluychi. Walks in vicinities of lake. Overnight.
10 Day. Lake Rahmanovskoe – Berel burial mound - Zyraynovsk (286 km). 
Breakfast. Transfer: lake Rahmanovskoe - bridge through the river Bukhtarma – village Berel – Berel burial mound (40 km). Visiting Berel of barrows where there were archeological excavations. Transfer: Berel excavation - settlement Katon-Karagai (76 km).
Transfer: Katon-Karagay village – village Ulken Naryn – town Zyryanovsk (170 km). Arrival in Zyraynovsk, accommodation in hotel, overnight.
11 Day. Zyryanovsk - Ust Kamenogorsk (175 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Zyraynovsk - villaget Turgusun - Bukhtarma water basin - Ust Kamenogorsk (175 km). We pass numerous Altay villages. Arrival in Ust Kamenogorsk. The termination of travel. Transfer to hotel, accommodation. Rest, free time. Overnight in hotel.
12 Day. Ust Kamenogorsk - Almaty. 
Breakfast. Seeing in the airport. Flight: Ust Kamenogorsk - Almaty (2 hours). Arrival in Almaty. Meeting at the airport, transfer to hotel. Free time. Dinner and overnight.
13 Day. Departure from Almaty.
Seeing in the airport. Departure from Almaty.

Travel on Austrian Road in Altai.Travel on Austrian Road in Altai.Travel on Austrian Road in Altai.Travel on Austrian Road in Altai.Travel on Austrian Road in Altai.Travel on Austrian Road in Altai.Travel on Austrian Road in Altai.

Author program of Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction -  from the sanction of the author

Alexander Petrov.