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Tuglu-Tekin Mausoleum.

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The first mausoleum on the right side of the corridor belongs to Tuglu-tekin, daughter of Emir Hoxha. The mausoleum is dated 777 AH, although this date does not indicate the time of the end of construction, but refers to the year of the death of Tuglu-tekin’s son Hussein.
The remaining part of the inscription is made in the technique of irrigated terracotta. Archaeological studies conducted in 1952 - 1953 by V. A. Levina, allow to place this mausoleum chronologically directly behind the Shadi-Mulk-aka mausoleum.
It is assumed that the mausoleum was built on the site of the mausoleum of the XII - XIII centuries using the old crypt and partly the foundation. Near one of the female Temurid mausoleums, one of those close to Temur, Amir Hussein, built the mausoleum of his mother Tuglun-Tekin.
Its cubic base is crowned with an elongated pointed dome. Carved glazed terracotta and painted majolica are equally used in the ceramic facings of the portal. Here, on the edge of the ancient wall, the mausoleum of Amir-zedububichesky building with a high portal was also placed, also topped with a dome cupola.
Carved irrigated terracotta here is small, dominated by majolica of various types. On the sides of the mausoleum there are three pointed niches. Over the domed octahedron introduced an additional arched belt. These structures date from the last quarter of the XIV - beginning of the XV centuries.
The last two mausoleums are best preserved. The main facades of these small one-room buildings are arranged in the form of a portal with a rich and colorful decor. The mausoleum was restored in 1957.
G.A. Pugachenkova.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.