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Ushkir Tau of Boszhira.

Spring Tour on Mangyshalk.
"Knowledge of the countries of the world - an ornament and food of human minds"
Leonardo da Vinci.
Mangyshlak Explorer tours.
Mount Ushkir tau is located in the northern part of the Karashek salt marsh, in the southeastern part of the valley Boszhira and in the southeastern part of Oinak Boszhira, 5.9 kilometers southeast of the Shoky tau mountain, 766 meters southwest of Panorama Fifth Boszhira, 3.5 kilometers south-west of the Borly tau mountain in the Karakiyan region in the southeastern part of the Mangistau region.
Mount Ushkir tau consists of two wall-like rocky outcrops with a total length of 1.5 kilometers, elongated from the south-west to the north-east. The southern outlier in the northern part has a relative height of the rocky outlier of 26 meters and a length from south-west to north-east - 499 meters.
The northern wall outlier has a relative height of 43 meters in the southern part and 47 meters in the northern part, the length of the outlier is 640 meters. The mountain is composed of chalk deposits and is clearly visible from the fifth panoramic point, 215.3 meters above sea level, from the western cliff of the Ustyurt plateau.
The base of the massif is made up of crumbling formations of soft chalk rocks, which were affected by precipitation in the form of rain and wind. The fifth panorama offers a magnificent view of the Ushkir tau mountain and the Karashek salt marsh at sunrise.
To Ushkir tau you can take a walking tour from Oynak Boszhira, which can take 3 or more hours.
Geographic coordinates of Mount Ushkir Tau: N43 ° 24'04.32 "E54 ° 05'53.70"
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.