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Walls Dishan-Kala in Khiva.

Package tour on the city in Uzbekistan.
“... Khivans do not live in the villages, but as separate estates. Each house represents a small fortress. The walls, slightly sloping, are very high. Huge gates are built into the wall, as in a fortress. Near the gate, in the corners and along the facades, at a distance of four to five fathoms, the walls are reinforced with round clay pillars in the form of buttresses. The first courtyard is covered. He is called dalan. Further, an open courtyard with a canopy on the column (iwan). This canopy has a living room (shed), near it there is a dark storage room for storage of household goods (bills). Sometimes the courtyard is covered, if it is small ... "
A. Kalmykov, the beginning of the nineteenth century.
Tours from Khiva to Nukus.
Dishan-Kala in translation «The external city», «An external fortress» means. After the next attack to Khurasan 20 000 inhabitants of southern areas have been moved to Khoresm and in its capital - Khiva.
Walls Dishan-Kala are built in 1842, Alla-Kuli-khan for protection against attacks Emud of the Turkmen and concern to building Dishan-Kala. In 1842 under direction of the state minister Mohammed Jakub mekhtar within 30 days it was possible to build around of Khiva six-kilometer length a powerful city wall with ten gate.
Country palaces of khan have entered into a city boundaries - Rafanik and Nurullabay also. Since then the big ring of city became known under the name «Dishan-Kala». Dishan-Kala was under construction in 1839 - 1842 in the specific - from each family from all empire it was annually allocated on one worker for the term of from 12 till 30 days, that is should fulfil everyone young the man.
In the beginning the perimeter of walls reached 5,7 kilometers. In honour of town-planning transformations then have been combined, laudatory odes. Historian Agahi during construction of a fortification defines words «Strengthening is harmonously built», that in digital value gives 1258 (1842 of a new era).
According to the poet and translator Agahi, Alla-Kuli-khan has constructed walls Dishan-Kala for 3 years. More than 200 thousand person have taken part in construction of a wall. In a wall there is 10 gate. The size of a wall, length - 5 650 meters, height - 6 - 8 meters, thickness at the basis - 4 - 6 meters.
«Khiva city and legends» the tourist guidebook across Khiva”.
Alexander Petrov.