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Zhaman Uyi valley on Asy plateau.

Sights of plateau of Asy.
"Not too hurry in the wanderings.
Stop, look around, accumulate experience.
The road for this purpose is also given to learn itself and the world around itself"
The valley Zhaman Uyi is at the height of 1706 meters above sea level, in the valley of the river Assy, in the easternmost tip of the ridge Zailiyskiy Ala Tau. From North side, the valley Zhaman Uyi to, is located the ridge Bokaidyk Tau to a stretched about the West on the East with a mark of 3010 meters above sea level.
From South side the valley closes the width ridge of Sary Tau with the mountain Zhambas from the 3294 meter above sea level. The valley the Zhaman Uyi is in Enbekshi Kazakh region of Almaty province. Approximately, in 100 meters on the right river bank of Assy there are mounts put from clay and sand it is the main sight of the valley.
On the left side of the river Assy in the valley Zhaman Uyi there are rock drawings which settle down along the river on an eminence on rounded stones. To the valley Zhaman Uуi, it is possible to reach from Almaty through the gorge Turgen, then on the way to Assy plateau and soon, you pass a lodge of the forest warden and you in the valley Zhaman Uyi.
From here to the Bartogay reservoir which is in east direction, 20 km.
Authority and photos
Alexandr Petrov.