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Zhasybai daring horseman tomb.

Historical tours in mountains Bayanaul.
«Memory is the treasure house of the mind wherein the monuments thereof are kept and preserved»
Thomas Fuller.
Travel Guide in Bayanaul park.
Tombstone of Zhasybai Batyr it is located 5 km northwest of the village of Bayanaul, on the old pass to the Zhasybai lake, in the mountains of Bayanaul.Zhasybai daring horseman a tomb (XVIII century) - the most memorable place for Kazakh people.
The tomb reminds us of an epoch embodied in history under name «Aktaban-shubyryndy» - «Years of great disaster».
In 1741 when Ablai, the chapter of Average Zhuz, was in a captivity at zhungars lords Galdan-Tserena, zhungars tried to grasp Karkaraly and steppes Bayanaul from Irtysh.
They suited frequent sorties and attacks on auls, stole cattle, plundered, burnt dwellings of peace Kazakhs.
In picturesque valley Zhambak Olzhabai daring horseman with nephew Zhasybai and with others daring horseman have organized group for repulse of the enemy.
Advertizing leaflet Bayanaul of park, 2003.