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Local History Museum in Karakol.

Excursion to Karakol City Museum.
"Today is a significant day for us: we crossed the Chinese border and entered our native land. More than two years have passed since we began our journey from Kyakhta. We set off then into the depths of the Asian deserts, having only one ally with us - courage; everything else stood against us: both nature and people. Remember - we walked along the quicksands of Alashan and Tarim, then through the swamps of Tsaidam and Tibet, then along enormous mountain ranges, the passes through which lie at an unfathomable height. We lived for two years like savages, in the open air, in tents or yurts, and endured either 40-degree frosts, or even greater heat, or terrible desert storms. To all this was added at times the unfriendliness, sometimes even open hostility of the natives: remember how the Tanguts attacked us twice in Tibet, how the Mongols of Tsaidam constantly deceived us, how hypocritically and hostilely the Chinese treated us everywhere. But neither the difficulties of the wild nature of the desert, nor the obstacles from the hostile population - nothing could stop us. We completed our task to the end - we passed through and explored those areas of Central Asia, most of which the foot of a European had not yet set foot in. Honor and glory to you, comrades! I will tell the whole world about your exploits. Now I embrace each of you and thank you for your faithful service - on behalf of science, which we served, and on behalf of the homeland, which we glorified ... "
N.M. Przhevalsky. "Across great Gobi. From Kyakhta to sources of Yellow River. 1883 - 1885.
Museums of Issyk-Kul Region.
Museum of History and Local Lore is located at an altitude of 1756 meters above sea level, is located in central part of city, in square of streets: Zhamansarieva, Toktogul, Orozova and Alyshbaeva, 262 meters to west and slightly north of Holy Trinity Church, 40 meters to southeast of hotel "Neofit" in city of Karakol, Issyk-Kul region.
In Karakol there is a historical street Zhamansarieva, previously known as "Merchant Passage". This area is a part of the old city, restored to its original form as part of the USAID project on the preservation of architectural heritage and urban landscape on the initiative of the mayor's office. Among the restored buildings of the XIXth century is the ethnographic and historical-local history museum of Karakol.
History of local history museum in Karakol.
The museum building itself is a valuable exhibit - it is a classic merchant's mansion, built in 1889 and belonged to the famous cattle breeder M.N. Ilyin. In 1918 - 1920, the County Council of Workers' Deputies (USOVDEP) and the County Revolutionary Committee (UREVKOM) were located here, as evidenced by a memorial plaque on the facade.
There is also a memorial plaque in honor of the traveler N.M. Przhevalsky, whose name the museum bore until 1948, when, by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, it was transformed into a state museum. The museum was founded in 1948 under the name of the Issyk-Kul Museum named after N.M. Przhevalsky.
In 1965, it became a branch of the Frunze Historical Museum, then in 1988 it received the status of a local history museum. In 1992, it was merged with the N.M. Przhevalsky Museum and Memorial Complex, and since 2001 it has had its current name - a local history museum.
Over the past decade, the museum's collection has been replenished with more than 220 new exhibits. New exhibition halls are opened, archaeological finds are displayed, and educational excursions are held. The total area of the museum exceeds 300 square meters, and the collection has over 10,000 exhibits.
Karakol Museum of Local History has eight thematic halls, including:
"Hall of Migrants",
"Revolutionary Hall",
Animal World",
"Hall of Archeology",
"Exhibition Hall",
"Exhibition on the History and Nature of the Region" and others.
Recently, a new exposition appeared in the museum thanks to the Kumtor project, which provided assistance and support to the museum in creating a new stand "Natural Wealth", now there are exhibits and models related to the gold mining plant. The Karakol Museum of History and Local Lore presents a permanent exhibition of the unique journey through Central Asia of the world-famous traveler and journalist Ella Maillart.
The official opening ceremony took place on September 10, 2016, at the Karakol Museum of History and Local Lore. Ella Maillart (1903 – 1997), an outstanding traveler, journalist, writer, athlete and photographer of the XXth century, was born in Geneva, Switzerland.
Throughout her life, she explored remote regions of the world under truly adventurous conditions. Recently, a new exhibition appeared in the museum, created with the support of the Kumtor project. Thanks to this initiative, the stand "Natural Resources" was designed, where exhibits and models related to the mining and gold mining industries are now presented.
The Karakol Museum of History and Local Lore also offers a permanent exhibition dedicated to the journey through Central Asia of the famous traveler and journalist Ella Maillart. The grand opening of the exhibition took place on September 10, 2016.
Ella Maillart (1903 – 1997) was an outstanding explorer, journalist, writer, athlete and photographer of the XXth century. Originally from Geneva, Switzerland, she dedicated her life to exploring remote corners of the world, conducting expeditions in the most extreme conditions.
In the early years of the Soviet Union, Ella Maillart traveled through Central Asia, including Karakol. Carefully documenting her impressions, she captured an important historical period. Today, 125 photographs taken during her expedition to Central Asia in 1932 have become part of the cultural heritage of Kyrgyzstan.
They are presented in the exhibition hall of the Karakol Museum as part of the permanent exhibition “Photographs of Ella Maillart”. At the end of this fascinating, almost year-long journey, she returned to Europe, where she wrote and published a book that received a wide response - "From the Celestial Mountains to the Red Sands", known in English as "Turkestan-Solo".
Address of the local history museum in Karakol:
Zhamansariyeva Street, 164, corner of Orozov Street
Working hours:
Saturday, Sunday from 10.00 to 16.00
Weekdays from 9.00 to 17.00
Geographical coordinates of local history museum: N42°29'21 E78°23'29
Authority and photos by:
Alexander Petrov.