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Monument Sodirkhon Khafiz.

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On June, 4th, 2014 in Khojend the monument to the musician and the singer XIX - XX centuries Sodirkhon Khafiz has been opened. Action is dated for the 85 anniversary of musical college which carries a name of musician Sodirkhon Khafiz.
Sodirkhon Khafiz an outstanding national singer and the known theorist, the executor of classical music «Shimshak». The monument is created by the teacher of musical college known for the architect and artist Davron Rahmat-zade.
Sodirkhon Khafiz (Bobosharifov) (1847 - 1932), an outstanding Tadjik national singer, the musician and the composer, one of executors and theorists of classical music «Shimshak». Was born in family of the peasant.
Studied at known musician Buzurghontura and poet Koshifa. In songs executed by it secular, love, instructive and religious motives prevailed. Used verses of klassik-poets Kamol Khudjandi, Khayyam, Khafiz, Djami, Navo, Fuzuli, Bedila, Mikimi, Asiri and others, also composed.
Sodirkhon Khafiz sang classical songs and melodies as «Ushshok», «Ufar», «Kashkarcha», «Shakhnoz», «Gulyer», «Dilkharosh, «Talkin», «Chorgokhi munodjot», «Segokhi seym», «Savti ufar», «Mazdar», «Girya», «Mirzodavlat», etc.
He sang often on feasts, parties, festivals, oragnisation on coast of Syr-Darya in days Навруза. After an establishment of the Soviet authority worked at various musical schools. Was the teacher of the Uzbek musicological institute (1928 - 1929).
In the beginning of XX century of song Sodirkhon Khafiz have been written down on phonograph records which were saved up to now. In 1946 in Tajikistan the book «Selected products Sodirkhon» is published.
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