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Oshaktas stone in Altyn-Emel park.

Trip to park Altyn-Emel.
“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior”
Journey Wilderness Adventures in Altyn-Emel park.
Altyn Emel, one of the largest national parks in Kazakhstan, is among the southern branches of the Jungar Alatau Ridge (520,000 ha). The Park has unique natural formations and ancient cultural monuments that are subject to eco-tourism such as Singing Barkhan, Aktau Mountains forming a “moon” landscape and five mounds called Bes Shatyr.
You can find ancient people’s rock drawings. You can meet the animals included in the Kazakh Red Book in the Park such as goitered gazelles and koulans, as well as black stork, golden eagle, serpent eagle, bearded vulture, etc.
You can see virgin uninhabited locations such as the amazingly beautiful Aktau terrain (White Mountains) with wonderful colors and ancient Paleo-Tethys floor depositions. A fantastic landscape!
There is an oasis in these waterless vast where wild/snow men are narrated to have lived. There is a cave cut out in a cliff with a cross carved out in its floor. This was a probably dwelling place of a Christian anchorite (Nestorian Christian traces can be seen across Central Asian, Mongolia and China).
The historical monument with stone steles Oshaktas, is located on the open mountain plain of mountains Kalkany. Steles look like several boulders in height about 2 meters established vertically on the ground.
On a legend, in 1219, during a campaign on a gain of Central Asia, on rest with the army great Mongolian conqueror Chingis-khan here has settled down. To support an army, on boulders has been established huge kazan where the meal prepared.
Under other version Oshaktas, it is an alarm tower on which the fire was kindled and the smoke in case of approach of enemies was started up.
The Brochure «The State national natural park the Altyn-Emel».
Alexander Petrov.