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Shatkal of Boszhira.

Tours and walks on Mangyshlak.
"While you live - travel and study"
Mangyshlak exploring tours.
Shatkal Boszhira is located in the southeastern part of the Ortasha plateau, the western slopes of Mount Yurt break off into the Shatkal plateau, the canyon starts from the northern slopes of Mount Borly tau and stretches in a latitudinal direction in the Karakiyan district of the Mangistau region.
Shatkal Boszhira canyon is located at an altitude of 130 meters above sea level. In the central part, the depth of the canyon from the surface of the plateau is about 20 meters, the canyon stretches from south to north by 1.7 kilometers, its width in the southern part is 53 meters.
The canyon is composed of chalk rocks on its walls, birds of prey found shelter, which build nests here and breed chicks. The beginning of the Shatkal canyon is located between the outlier mountains Borly tau and Yurt, 252.3 meters above sea level.
After about 766 meters from the main canyon, one short gorge branches off to the northeast with a length of 128 meters and to the northwest with a length of 426 meters. In these surroundings, the Boszhira valley conceals a huge number of stunning and dizzying attractions of the wonderful nature of Mangystau.
Geographic coordinates of the Shatkal Boszhira canyon: N43 ° 26'09.69 "E54 ° 04'25.30"
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.