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Petroglyphs at Zhasybay Lake.

A trip from Pavlodar to Bayanaul.
“Ancient aphorisms outlived centuries. Modern aphorisms can barеly survive from book to book”
Ljupka Cvetanova.
Tourist sights of Pavlodar region.
On the southeastern shore of Lake Zhasyby in the Bayanaul district of Pavlodar region in 1926, a Russian geographer and traveler P.L. Dravert recorded drawings made of brick-red mineral paint. Several anthropomorphic figures placed on the ceiling of the grotto are currently very poorly visible.
The drawings are not arranged linearly, but concentrically in one place. Such drawings are much better preserved in rock niches on the northwestern shore of Lake Zhasyby, where in addition to anthropomorphic images, there are drawings of birds, dwellings, solar symbols, bow and arrows.
They are also of symbolic character. These drawings, as well as a number of others made on the rocks of the Bayanaul mountains, were repeatedly studied in the 70s. Pavlodar local historians and scientists L.M. Gaiduchenko, S.A. Muzalevsky, L. Safonova, P.I. Onoprienko, etc.
Authority and photos:
Peteneva G.G.