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Burial ground of Ordabasy.

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Kurgan burial ground of the Vth century BC - I in BC It is located 20 kilometers west of the regional center in the Ordabasy district of Turkestan region. Examined by the expedition of the archaeological detachment of the Shymken Pedagogical Institute in 1980.
Includes 5 placers. Mounds are located along the south-north line. The burial ground belongs to the Saka time, and the large mound is of the royal type. Its dimensions: the diameter of the base is 75 - 80 meters, the height is 14 meters, the most steep north slope (45 - 47 degrees).
The dominant position of "Ordabasy" under the surrounding area (visible at 20 - 30 kilometers, from almost all sides, with the exception of the south). In the XVII - XIX centuries used as a signal hill collection.
1. The territory of the historical and cultural and landscape reserve "Ordabasy" is a single burial complex - burial ground, which includes several groups of mounds dating back to the VIIth century BC. e. - IV c. BC.
2. The initial stage of the formation of the cemetery is associated with the Sak culture of South Kazakhstan –VII – IV in BC (“Royal” mound of “Ordabasy” and burial in mound 3).
3. The second stage of the formation of the burial ground dates back to the IInd century BC. (Hunno-Kansyu period).
4. The burial mound “Ordabasy” as a burial complex, took shape and functioned for a long time (more than a thousand years). Throughout the entire period, he acted as an integral part of the large historical and cultural region of the middle Syr-Darya basin, largely determining the overall picture of the progressive development of ancient societies on the territory of Southern Kazakhstan in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. - IV century AD
D. A. Taleev. "Code of monuments of the South Kazakhstan region." Architectural and archaeological heritage of the South Kazakhstan region. In the framework of the regional program "Cultural Heritage".