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Ancient settlement Balasagun (Aktobe).

Archaeological sites of Shu district.
“There were many cities and peoples
Everything buried time, scattered to dust.
We had many tribes and villages,
Now try to find their tracks”
“Graceful knowledge” (Кұтты білік). Yusuf Balasaguni. (5.P. 49)
A trip to the settlement of Balasugun.
It is located in the Shuyskiy district of the Zhambyl region, 3 kilometers south-east of the village of Aktobe on both banks of the Aksu River. The settlement consists of two shakhristans, a citadel and an urban district, surrounded by long ramparts.
Shakhristan a rectangular shape (380 x 250 meters), height 6 - 7 meters. In its middle part there is a citadel - square in plan, with a side of 100 m, 10 m high. Shahristan is 2 - (300 x 250 meters) in size, 3 - 6 meters high; the urban district is surrounded by long ramparts: the length of the first rampart is 17 kilometers, the second - 25 kilometers to the second rampart from the western and southern sides adjoin 4 half rings of ramparts.
Archaeological excavations are carried out in all parts of the settlement. According to the definition of some famous scientists - orientalists, this settlement is identified with the medieval settlement of Balasagun. The medieval town of Balasagun has long been the capital of the Western wing of the Karakhanid empire.
It was the cultural, scientific and spiritual center of the vast territory of the Eurasian continent. Outstanding personalities such as Yusuf Balasaguni, Mahmud Kashgari and others lived and worked here. Here was written the encyclopedic work of Y. Balasagun “Kutadgu Bilik” - “Book of edification”.
It was a large economic, political, cultural medieval center on the Great Silk Road. Archaeological excavations of this site are not a single decade. During this time, numerous objects were discovered and studied - a palace complex with an area and an eastern bathhouse, water and sewer systems, residential and household buildings, craft centers where ceramic dishes and weapons were found.
Archaeologists have found a unique treasure of bronze coins, more than 500 pieces.
Geographic coordinates of the settlement of Aktobe: N43 ° 13'44,00 "E74 ° 03'01,00"