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Excursion across Uralsk.

Exclusive tourist excursions on cities of Kazakhstan.
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page”
Augustine of Hippo.
Duration of the excursion: 6 hours.
Season: year round.
Advanced reservation: for 48 hours.
Detailed program of an excursion trip in Uralsk:
Arheological tours Almaty.
Excursion on the town of Uralsk, visiting of the West-Kazakhstan regional history-study of local lore museum, the oldest museum in Kazakhstan, museum has been opened in 1832. Known scientists Karelin G.S. and Berg L.S. took part in opening museum. Now museum is in the history-architectural building constructed in 1879 in east style for the Russia-Kazakh school. Visiting of the Mikhail-Arkhangelsk Cathedral.
The orthodox cathedral represents the oldest building of city of Uralsk. It is constructed in 1740th and is the witness of all historical events of town. Earlier around of a cathedral the fortification settled down. Near to cathedral there is house of the father «szar brides» rich cossack Kuznetsova, now museum Pugachev there settles down. Visiting of temple of the Christ-savior.
A temple name "gold" church. It has been constructed in honour of the 300 anniversary of service of the Ural Cossack army to the Moscow tsar, this date was celebrated in 1891. Visiting of mosque of town of Uralsk. New triplex the mosque has opened in Uralsk in November, 2005. The majestic dome above the main hall of mosque is collected from the stained-glass windows delivered from Italy and executed on German technology.
Visiting Hetman of the house. The oldest building of Uralsk once served by residence of the Cossack ataman. The facade of the house is decorated by the memorial boards, testifying that in this house stopped during arrival to Uralsk Pushkin, Zhukovskii, Dal, Tholstoi. The building has been constructed in 1825 under the project of the Italian, the army architect of M. Delmedino for nakaznoi ataman D.M. Borodin. Survey building regional administration.
In the past in this building Russian Commercial and industrial commercial bank settled down. The basic ornament of building - statues of lions in niches of an entrance. It has been constructed in 1896 by architect A.Bunkinym, on the parties of balcony the building was decorated with sculptures of cossacks with huge sturgeons, then traditional Soviet the worker and collective farmer. Survey of the house of merchant of Karev.
Karev's house is one of the most known architectural monuments of Uralsk constructed in the end XIX - the beginning of XX centuries. During long time it was considered as the greatest building of city. People speaks, that Karev has decided to construct this house in revenge - to merchant Ovchinnikov who very much liked to drink tea on balcony of the house and simultaneously to meet sunrise.
After quarrel Karev has promised, that Ovchinnikov more never will see dawn. And it any more has not seen it. Opposite to house Ovchinnikov there was new huge house which has blocked to merchant all kind on picturesque rising sun. Survey of the house of merchants Vanyshin. In this remarkable house constructed in 70th years of XIX century, the Commercial club, agricultural technical school, within war - the military school evacuated from Odessa subsequently settled down, then here there was house of pioneers, now one of high schools of city here settles down.
Visiting of the house-museum of Yemelyan Pugacheva. Monument of history and wooden architecture of XVIII century. Since 1967 in this house there was library, in 1991 the unique monument of history has been transferred in regional historical-study of local lore museum. Here original things of the Cossack life and arms, banners, the guns, valuable imperial gifts are exhibited. Visiting of memorial devoted to Great Domestic war. Sightseeing tour on city.
Short information on the town of Uralsk.
Uralsk is the administrative center of the oblast (was founded in 1613) and the ancient town of Kazakhstan. It is situated on the right bank of the Ural River in the place of the Chagan River flowing into the Ural River with its forests and pastures was suitable for the camp of nomads, Scythian, and others.
Yaitsky town was founded as one of the military posts, which were called to guard borders of the Russian State from nomads’ raids. The river full of fish, beautiful water meadows and fertile soil attracted kazaks. The ancient part of the town is “kurenei”. Uralsk – the ancient town of the North-Western Kazakhstan was founded in 1613 - 1622 on the European bank of the Ural River under the name of Yaitsky town.
The industry of Uralsk is closely connected with refining of agricultural row-materials. There are the most largest tannery and felt factory in Kazakhstan, the fourth powerful meat-tinned factory in Kazakhstan, and one of the largest flour- milling and cereals factory in CIS. Also there is developing of metal refining industry.
There are many interesting memorials, which are invaluable properties as: the building of former Russian-Kazakh school (now it is a museum of historical and regional studies); the architectural monument of the XVIII century – Mikhailo-Arkhangelsky Cathedral (was built in 1751) – the witness of the Peasant’s war 1773 - 1775 by the leading of Pugachev E. The temple of the Christ Savior – an architectural monument of the XIX century; the building of the troop’s school, where the leaders of the western section of Alash Orda Khalel and Zhansha Dosmukhamedov had studied.
Studying the history of the town one can often hear the words “the ancient in Kazakhstan” theatre, museum, library, school, etc. In the chronicle of the town were such names as: Krylov I.A., Pushkin A.S., Zhukovsky V.A., Dal V.A., Shevchenko T.G., Makhambet Utemisov, Plesheev A.N., Tolstoi L.N., Korolenko V.G., Saken Seifulin, Sabit Mukanov, PravdukhinV.P., Gabdulla Tukai, Sholokhov M.A., and others.
The author program is Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - from the sanction of the author
Alexander Petrov