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Excursion to tulips lehmanniana.

Excursions on Zhambyl province.
“Snow is both sides of the same page
It covers the grave and the tulip”
Richard L. Ratliff.
The brief description of excursion route of excursion to Tulips lehmanniana:
Taraz - settlement Assa - settlement Kumtyin - barchan Kumburul - Taraz.
Distance of route: 72 km.
Season: from April 10th or 15 till September, 30th.
Best time for excursion: April - August.
Advanced reservation: for 48 hours.
Duration of the excursion: 1 day.
The detailed program of excursion in Zhambyl province:
Botanical Tours behind tulips of Greigii.
Transfer: town of Taraz - settlement Assa - settlement Kumtiyn - barchan Kumburul (36 km). Our way from Taraz conducts on northeast. Beyond Taraz we pass an industrial zone of city with Zhambyl phosphatic factory and our way lays to settlement of Assa to an administrative centre of area Zhambyl. Having passed settlement of Assa behind settlement Kumtiyn we turn off from the basic line on road the leader to settlement Zhuma and lake Bilikol.
Soon from road high barchan Kumburul to the left of road is visible, it and is our place of excursion where we be gets acquainted with tulipa lehmanniana. On barchan the old asphalt road which hangs above sandy sand-pit conducts. Behind barchan from the western party the river of Assa going to lake Bilikol proceeds. Walks in vicinities of barchan Kumburul searches of tulip Lemana. Lunch on coast of the river of Asa. Returning to Taraz.
Botany-travellers described Tulipa lehmanniana.
Russian botanist Karl Evgenyevich Merklin (1821 - 1904) for the first time has described Tulip in 1854 on botanical finds from vicinities of Bukhara. The specific name is given in honour of Alexander Adolfovicha Lemana's first collector (1814 - 1842), Russian botany, which in 1840 - 1842.
Collected plants of Central Asia for the Petersburg botanical garden. Coming back from this expedition, A. Leman has died of fever in Simbirsk in the age of 28 years. Its collections were processed by A.A. Bunge (1803 - 1890), having made the list from 1526 kinds, including 11 sorts new to a science and 159 new kinds.
Leman Alexander Adolfovich (Lehman) - traveller, the candidate of philosophy, was born on May, 18th, 1814 in Derpt, has died on August, 30th, 1842 in Simbirsk. Father Lemana the known doctor; under its management its son who in the childhood was to have an inquiring nature has received initial education and loved natural sciences.
In 1833 it has acted on natural faculty Derpt of university and during university rate annually made excursions in vicinities Derpt in the summer. Upon termination of formation in 1837 Leman has received and with pleasure has accepted the offer of professor Behr was its teacher, to join an expedition preparing on New Land and in the spring 1837 has acted with expedition.
On east coast of the White sea, through Snow Mountain expedition has arrived on June, 21st to coast of Lapland, then, on July, 17th, on the western coast of New Land at Matochkin strait. Having returned to Petersburg in the autumn of the same year, Leman in 1838 has been invited Century And. Perovskii to investigate the Orenburg edge. In the winter 1839 it has made campaign to Khiva together with Perovskii through impassable weights of snow, in the spring 1840 has gone on east coast of Caspian sea in Is new-Aleksandrovsk, in which vicinities it made various excursions and has collected rich materials; then has made research of southern slopes of Urals Mountains and steppes down to the Silver-tongued orator.
Winter 1840 - 1841 Leman has lead in Orenburg, being engaged in putting in order of the collected subjects. When in the spring 1841 mission of mountain officials has been sent to Bukhara, to it has adjoined and Leman as the scientist, and has lead in different districts of Bukhara more than year. Coming back in Derpt, it has died in Simbirsk of "nervous fever ", all on 28-th year of a life. Researches Leman very valuable, have not been published.
Part of materials Leman bequeathed Academies of sciences, it has left the botanical collections to the professor of botany in Perpt Bunge, other materials and descriptions of travel are published after its death by its comrades-academicians. Its travel to Bukhara has acquainted scientific world with almost unknown earlier life bukhars. Collected Leman zoological and geo-gnostic collections have been described Behr and Brandt.
After death Leman its following works are published: "Reise nach Buchara und Samarkand" 1841 and 1842 of SPb. And "Lehmanii reliquiane botanicae sive enumeratio planarum in itinere per dеserta Asiae mediae ab. Lehmann annis 1839 - 1842 collectarum". Rudolfshtadt 1848 the Description of the Asian plants found Leman, are published Bunge in "Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Flora Russland's und der Steppen Centralasiens. S.Pet. 1852".
The author program is Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - only from the sanction of the author -
Alexander Petrov