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Falls Arasan (Usy batyra).

Fam trip to Kazakhstan Altay.
“Nature is an infinite sphere whose center is everywhere”
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Adventure tour to Belukha peak.
The falls Arasan (Usy batyra) are located on the river Arasan which follows from the Rakhmany lake. The river Arasan flows into east part of the lake Rakhmany, follows from the lake in its western part. More than 2 kilometers the river leaving meanders in broad decrease forms the small lake Arasan located at the height of 1734 meters above sea level.
After the lake Arasan the river still flows in decrease and passing the bridge on Highway Uryl - Rakhmanovsky klyuchi the river disperses, becomes rough, rushes among rocks and huge boulders. In 4 kilometers from the resort Rakhmany klyuchi about 600 meters below than the highway, the falls Arasan (Usy batyra) are located.
The falls are in Katon- Karagay Region of East Kazakhstan region in the territory of the Katon-Karagay national natural park. The falls have several cascades, the general height difference about 15 meters.
Authority and by photos
Alexander Petrov.