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Ibrai Altynsarin (1841 - 1889).

Adventure traveller to nature Kostanai regon.
"Before educating people, educate yourself"
Ibrai Altynsarin.
Coach trip in Kostanai region.
Outstanding educator, teacher, folklorist, ethnographer. Ibray (Ibrahim) Altynsarin was born on November 2, 1841 in the village of Zhanburchi of the Arakaragay volost of the Nikolaev district (now the Zatobolsk district of the Kostanay region).
After the death of his father, he was brought up in the house of his grandfather Balgozhi Zhanburchin, one of the most authoritative biys of his time. At the age of nine, Ibrai was assigned to the Orenburg first special school for Kazakh children.
In 1857, Ibrai Altynsarin, after graduating from school, was left with the Orenburg regional chief as a translator. Being engaged in self-education, Ibrai studied the works of the classics of world literature - Shakespeare, Goethe, Byron, Pushkin, Lermontov, Alisher Navoi, Ferdousi and many others.
In 1860, Altynsarin managed to leave Orenburg and transfer to the Torgai fortress to work as a teacher. With his direct participation in 1864, an elementary school for Kazakh children was opened there. From this moment, the educational and pedagogical activity of I. Altynsarin begins.
Along with this activity, he had to carry out other work. From 1868 to 1874, Altynsarin was a clerk of the Torgai administration, for a long time he worked as a county judge, assistant to the head of the county, and in the absence of the latter, he performed his duties
Nevertheless, Altynsarin's organizational abilities, his talent as a teacher and educator were fully revealed during the period when he held leading positions in the system of public education. Thanks to the efforts of Altynsarin, education in the Kazakh steppe became widespread.
On his initiative and on the funds raised by him, in 1884 volost schools were opened in Torgai, Iletsk protection, Irgiz, Nikolaevsk, Aktyubinsk, and in 1887 I. Altynsarin achieved the opening of the first girls' school in Irgiz.
Ibrai Altynsarin has a great contribution to the creation of textbooks in the Kazakh language, alphabet and writing on the basis of Russian graphics. In addition, Altynsarin participated in the development of Russian language textbooks for Kazakh schools
Books written and published by I. Altyisarin include: "Kazakh Reader" in two parts (1879), "An initial guide to teaching the Russian language to the Kirghiz" (1879), and "Maktubat" ("Reader") dating back to 1889. I. Altynsarin's literary heritage includes translations, poems, stories, fables, ethnographic essays and Kazakh fairy tales, recorded and processed by him.
The themes of his works are varied. I. Altynsarin is rightfully called the founder of Kazakh children's literature. In his small stories I. Altynsarin was able to raise serious problems of public life. Some of them show gloomy pictures of the pre-revolutionary aul ("Ignorance", "Why it happens badly", etc.).
In others ("Kipchak Seitkul", "The son of a bai and the son of a poor man"), the social ideology, democracy and nationality of the author himself are clearly expressed. I. Altynsarin's translations laid the foundation for the fable genre in Kazakh fiction, contributed to the formation of the Kazakh literary language.
The fables of I.A.Krylov, translated into the Kazakh language by I. Altynsarin, were intended primarily for school-age children and became an effective means of educating the younger generation. The "Reader", written by I. Altynsarin, also includes his translations by L. N. Tolstoy, K. Ushinsky, V. Dahl and other Russian writers and poets.
He died on July 17 (July 29) 1889, was buried not far from his home on the banks of the Tobol, next to his father's grave. The versatile activities of I. Altynsarin contributed to the economic, cultural and spiritual development of the Kazakh people.
I. Altynsarin is an outstanding educator, teacher, writer and public figure who made a great contribution to the introduction of Kazakhs to an advanced, democratic culture. In honor of the outstanding teacher in 2007, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan established a departmental award - the Ibrai Altynsarin Breastplate.