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Legend about Tyurabek-hanym.

Legends of ancient Kunya-Urgench.
"The tower is ready!".
"Jump down if you survive - the Khans daughter will be yours!"
Tours on architectural sights of Kunya-Urgench.
Legend of construction of the mausoleum by Tyurabek-hanym (Tyuryabek-hany, Sufi, Torebeg-hany, Turabekhanum). The Legend of the mausoleum Tyurabek-hanym says that as if the architect dared to fall in love with the daughter of the khan.
Once he rushed to legs to the master and asked hands of darling. The grown furious khan meanwhile decided to benefit by love for himself. He ordered build to the impudent applicant a tower with which all borders of the khanate were visible.
The master in love executed command, but, having suspected bad, in the last day took works on the top of a board, glue and paper. Having put the last bricks, the master shouted down: "The tower is ready!". The khan was happy, the minaret was extraordinary high and harmonious.
He shouted to the master: "Jump down if you survive - the khan daughter will be yours!" The lover built to himself wings and rushed down, but wind picked up him and carried away far to Bukhara. All life the master reached Urgench.
It returned the gray-bearded old man. Charming Tyurabek-hanym already died, and then the architect inspired by the love built the beautiful mausoleum over its grave. In this fairy tale there is no historical truth: Tyurabek-hanym was not a daughter, but the educated Kutlug-Timur's wife.
However the delighted national imagination judged differently, people trusted and believe that only the love can recreate itself in such beauty: "Life is fine. What a pity that it is not eternal". Destruction of Urgench by Timur in 1388.
In 1388 Timur (1336 - 1405) put an end to a local dynasty of Sufi, and destroyed the capital of Khorezm. The grand conqueror, for the fifth time having seized Urgench, enjoined "... to transfer to Samarkand all population - residents and areas, and the city of Khorezm, having absolutely destroyed, to sow barley".
But, fortunately, for superstitious fear Timur spared the cult and funeral constructions which were settling down in Urgench. In 1391 the city was partially restored, however it lost former value. In the XVIIIth century Urgench stopped the existence.
Alexander Petrov.