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Minarets of Khiva.

Excursions to the minarets of Khiva.
“In the past there were many cities in Khorezm with four or five gates. One of them was called Dzhurdzhaniya, another Urgench. The water in Dzhurdzhania was brought from the Syr river, and the location of the city was determined as follows: in the east it was Baglai, in the north - Akchatengiz, in the west - Gurlen, and in the south - Kiyat (Kyat). The decline of Djurdjania is believed to be due to water. The water that flowed from Syr was not enough for irrigation, and for this reason, overcoming three hills, dribbled dripping from Amu, which flowed south of Unguz, took one yaf of water. Last year, the canal was lengthened and the excess water was directed along the southern side of Dzhurdzhania to Urgench and, along the eastern side of the Abulkhan Mountains, to the west and through Ogurch dropped into the Mazan-Daran sea. On both sides there were fortified places, crops and gardens"
Historian Hudaiberdi ibn Koshmuhammad Khivaki “Dil Gara’ib”, “Heart of Rarities”.
Method of travel in Uzbekistan.
In creating a unique silhouette of Khiva, an exceptional role belongs to the minarets - to the verticals rising to the sky, marking the places of large public centers. Their rhythm in Khiva counts a large building module: the minarets follow through Dishan-kala and Ichan-kala with an interval of exactly 200 meters
When approaching the city from the east, in the span of the gate of Koi Darvaza, their whole chain is captured in a single frame: Abdal-bobo, Palvan-kari, Seyid-Sheliker-byi, Islam-Khoja, Juma, Kalta Minor, Bika-jan- bica.
They differ from Maverannahr very significantly: the arched lantern crowning them is not Khiva - the most "multi-minded" city from all the historical cities of Uzbekistan. The minarets of Khorezm hang over the trunk, and it is located inside it and is revealed only by small arched openings; hence their special harmony.
At the same time, no matter how numerous they are, not a single minaret is like the other: the architects found in each case subtle delights in proportions, silhouette and architectural decoration.
"Khiva town and Legends" tourist guide to Khiva.