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Museum in Dangara.

Museum tours of Tajikistan.
The republican museum of area Dangara is to the address of: 735920 Republic Tajikistan, Khatlon of region Dangara, settlement of city type Dangara, street Central, 1. The youngest museum of republic.
The special attention to history and culture Dangara speaks that here on October, 5th, 1952 was born Emomali Rakhmon - the President of Republic Tajikistan. The museum settles down in a new building of the cultural center of the area, constructed in 2001 where together with it are library, musical school and a department the REGISTRY OFFICE.
Scientific a department of a museum in Dangara:
Department of an antiquity.
The Department of the Middle Ages.
The Department of the present.
In a museum it is stored about three thousand exhibits on culture and history of area, actively there is a collecting of materials through purchases. Among new receipts of a museum - various books and manuscripts.
The exposition is planned as historaical-study of local lore, with the sections, devoted geography and the nature of edge, the ancient culture, traditional employment and crafts of its inhabitants.
Rich collections on archeology and ethnographies borrow greater space of exposition halls which total area is made nearby with 1500 sq.m. In the central hall of a museum the exhibition, devoted lives and activity of the President of Republic Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmon and its role in an establishment and development of independence of the country is developed.
Museum label in the Tadjik language. The museum works as the center of a cultural life of area. Here often pass not only meetings with veterans and leaders of work, but also with artists and poets.
The poetic circle working at a museum, is totaled more than 150 local poets of different age. They gather for monthly meetings and read the verses for public. In an exposition of a museum often it is possible to see exhibitions of products of local masters.
In a museum excursions for schoolboys are spent. The museum is opened from 9.00 till. The Day off - Monday. The Input free-of-charge.
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