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River Right Talgar.

Rock Tour Almaty Kazakhstan.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”
Charles Darwin.
New Tourist Routes in Kazakhstan.
The river the Right Talgar belongs to collecting area Balkhash, is the right inflow of the river Talgar is in Talgar district of Almaty region. The river the Right Talgar begins on northern slopes of Zailiysky Ala-Tau. Extent of the river is 18 kilometers.
The top part of collecting area the Right Talgar is limited from the back to the short site of the main ridge, from the West - the ridge the Metallurg and from the East - the ridge Talgar behind which there is collecting area of Zharsay - the left inflow of the river Issyk.
There are six glaciers from which three treat type valley, and three type of trailing. The total area of glaciers is defined in 8 - 9 kilometers square. The largest in collecting area is the glacier the Metallurg who is in the main valley with the direction on the North.
The glacier has in length of 3 kilometers and the area of 4 kilometers of square. To the West from a glacier the Metallurg is the second valley glacier - Kolokolnikov glacier. Length of a glacier is up to 2,5 kilometers, in width about 500 meters and the area there are about 2 kilometers square.
To the North from a glacier the Metallurg is a glacier of valley type - Volnistyi 1,5 kilometers, average width of a glacier - about 500 meters, the area - 1,3 kilometers square. (N. N. Palgov, 1958).
"Zhetysu is the Land of tourism”. A Tourist Guide-book. Almaty. 2003. 68 p. and the material for this page is taken from the printed edition.
Alexander Petrov.