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Sairamsu Lower Lake.

Tours in the Sairamsu Gorge.
«A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature. It is earth's eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature»
Henry David Thoreau.
Sights of the Sairamsu gorge.
The moraine lake Sairamsu Lower (Temengi Kol) is located at an altitude of 2350 meters above sea level on the northern slope of the Ugam range in the mountain system of the Western Tien-Shan in the Tolebi district of Turkestan region.
Lower Sairamsu Lake is located on the territory of the Tolebi branch of the Sairam-Ugam National Natural Park. The length of the lake, from south to north, is 257 meters, the largest width, in the southern part of the lake, is 74 meters.
The lake was formed as a result of a mountain collapse. The western tributary of the Sairamsu River flows through the lake, which originates from glacier No. 78, 79.80.Just below the lake, the Sairamsu River receives two more tributaries - the middle one, which originates from glacier No. 77 and the eastern one, which originates from glaciers No. 75 and 76.
A path leads to Lake Sairamsu Upper located at an altitude of 2707 meters above sea level through Lake Sairamsu.
Geographic coordinates of Lower Sairamsu Lake (Temengi Kol): N42 ° 06'31.53 "E70 ° 24'01.51"
Alexander Petrov.
Photos used
with permission of Alikhan Abdeshev, Tourism Manager of Sairam-Ugam National Park.