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Sands of Kumkeshu.

Photo tours in Kostanay region.
“I often sat up until midnight in front of my wagon, admiring the beautiful moonlit night. Before me stretched the boundless steppe, illuminated by the magical light of the full moon. that outlined the horizon, towered over the steppe, like white ghosts-giants"
Ivan Fedorovich Blaramberga. 1840 – 1855.
Tourism in Kostanay region.
The Kumkeshu sands are located in the Dzhangeldinsky region in the south of the Kostanay region in the southern part of the Turgai hollow. The sands stretch from southwest to northeast for 68 kilometers. The width of the sands, in the central part, reaches 9 kilometers.
Kumkeshu is mostly fixed sands with areas of dune sands. Sands flutter in places, forming hillocks, ridges and dunes. On the leveled areas, xerophytic shrubs, wormwood, saltwort and ephemera prevail, on the slopes of hillocks and ridges - thickets of juzgun, sand acacia, shrub astragalus, kandym and chingil.
The sands of Kumkeshu, due to their good water availability, are of great grazing importance, especially in summer. The Arkalyk - Turgai highway is laid along the southern edge of the Kumkeshu sands.
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov.