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Tossor Central Glacier Group.

Sights of Tossor Gorge.
«Then we reach the endlessly rising saddle of the glacier. Long cracks, too narrow to be called crevices, frighten our horses. On the coarse-grained snow, individual traces of old paths are visible, which descended directly by a short route.»
Ella Mayar. "Turkestan Solo". From Tien-Shan to Kyzylkum. 1932.
Trip through Tossor Gorge to Uchemchek Mountains.
Tossor Glacier Group is located on northern slope of Terskey Ala-Too Range, in upper reaches of eponymous gorge, on northern slope of Tossor Pass, in Ton and Jety-Oguz districts of Issyk-Kul Region.
In the upper reaches of the Tossor River there are several small glaciers, the sources of which form the river of the same name with a length of 28.5 kilometers. 280 meters west of the Tossor Pass there are glaciers that alternate one after another.
In the cirque formed by the eastern and western spurs, on the northern slope, which departs from the main ridge of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge, there are 5 small glaciers. The greatest length of one of them reaches 997 meters, the total width of the glaciers is 1377 meters.
The total area of the glaciers is 1.19 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glaciers reaches 5.64 kilometers. The length of the moraine is 1.1 kilometers, the area of the moraine is 0.47 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 3.05 kilometers.
In the eastern part of the Tossor Central glacier group is the Tossor East glacier, in the western part - the Tossor West glacier. In the lower part of the glaciers, on the moraine, there are two flowing lakes, one of which is clearly visible from the road that leads to the Tossor Pass.
Geographical coordinates of Tossor Central glacier group: N41°56'38 E77°21'28
Authority and photos by:
Alexander Petrov.