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Turgai river in Kazakhstan.

Travel in nature Turgai in Kazakhstan.
“Ulu-Turgai (Big Turgai) flows out of the branches of Mount Ulu, and at the beginning is called Kara-Turgai. Its upper part lies between the cliffs of the Lead Mountains, then it flows through sandy-clayey soil, passes through the lakes or reeds of Bishkup, then through the Koshelak sands, and finally flows into Lake Aksakalbarbi. Its banks are mostly high and steep, which is why there are no meadows on them, but there are bushes and lakes.”
Levshin A.I. “Description of the Kyrgyz-Cossack or Kyrgyz-Kaisak mountains and steppes.” 1833.
Sights of Turgai in Kazakhstan.
Turgai (kaz. Torgai) is a historical region in Kazakhstan (southern part of Kostanay region, as well as western part of Akmola region), which was the Turgai region of Kazakhstan, which was disbanded in 1997. From a historical point of view, the entire current Kostanay region was included in the Turgai region, but now the concept of Turgai means 3 southern districts of the region, namely: Dzhangeldin district, Amangeldy district, Arkalyk town and town districts.
The area of the territory of the current region (within the indicated areas) is 75.8 thousand square kilometers and is equal to the area of such European states as the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg (combined).
The territory of the region is characterized by a relatively flat relief, with hills to the west (Teke, Kyzbel, Zhylandy, Kargaly, 210 - 310 meters above sea level). It is located on the Turgai plateau and the Turgai hollow, in the north and east of the region there are the spurs of the Sary-Arka (mountains Karakus, Kartalytau, Sary-Adyr).
The highest height is Mount Sharykty, 397 meters above sea level. The region's territory is located in the southwestern part of Northern Kazakhstan, in the basin of the Turgai River. The relief of the region's territory is mainly flat - the Turgai hollow, the northern part is occupied by the Turgai plateau with small uplifts (Teke, Kyzbel, Zhylandy, Kargaly, 210 - 310 meters above sea level).
Along the Turgai and Uly-Zhilanshik rivers, there are areas of dune sands Akkum, Aigyrkum, Tosyn. There are several rivers in the region, the largest of them are: the Turgai, Kara-Turgai, Zhaldama, Ulyn-Zhilanshik, Ulkayak rivers, as well as lakes: Sarykopa, Aschytostysor and Zhaman-Akkol.
The climate is continental, winters are long and harsh, summers are hot and dry. Average January temperatures range from -16 to -17 ° С, July 22 - 25 ° С. The average annual precipitation is 225 - 275 mm. The vegetation is steppe and semi-desert.
The population of the region is 83,905 people. They speak mainly Kazakh. National composition (as of January 1, 2010): Kazakhs - 71,147 people, Russians - 7,313 people, Ukrainians - 1,464 people, Tatars - 1175 people, Belarusians - 555 people, Bashkirs - 354 people, Moldovans - 310 people, Germans - 222 people, others - 1,365 people. In total - 83 905 people (100.00%).
The Turgai region is a historical region, called at various times as the Turgai district, the Turgai region, formed in 1868. According to the 1897 census, 86.9000 people lived in the district (including Kazakhs - 99.1%).
896 people lived in the town of Turgai. The first Kazakh-Russian school in Kazakhstan was opened on the territory of the region, for the opening of which the Kazakh Turgai teacher Ibrai Altynsarin petitioned. Two districts of Turgai bear the names of the leaders of the national liberation struggle of the Kazakhs during the First World War (1916 - 1918) - Amangeldy Imanov (Amangeldy District) and Alibi Zhangeldin (Dzhangeldin District).
In 1932, the county was abolished and became part of the Kustanai district, later the Kustanai region. A great impetus to the development of the region was given by virgin lands and the formation of the town of Arkalyk in 1956.
On November 23, 1970, from the eastern and southern regions of the Kustanai region and the western regions of the Tselinograd region, the Turgai region was formed with its center in the town of Arkalyk as part of the Kazakh SSR.
On June 2, 1988, the region was abolished. In August 1990, the region was restored again. Since December 16, 1991 - a part of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 1997, the Turgai region was abolished, its territory was divided between the Kostanay and Akmola regions.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.