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Moskvina glaciers.

Glaciers of western slope of Academy of Nauk ridge.
“Alexander Venyaminovich (Moskvin) with climbers is walking along the southern branch of the river. Fortambek in order to find and climb the passes. We are filming along the northern slope of the same glacier. It is much more difficult for them to walk along the moraines of a steep glacier. Beauty for us. In the future they want to climb the shoulder of Zinaida Krylenko Peak. Hell of an enterprise! 6600 meters. And avalanche after avalanche. Alexander Venyaminovich became completely ill. Fever, cough, headache. I didn't eat anything in the evening. What to do next? Here's the question! I also coughed all night long. Having had a hearty snack, we set out on the road to Fortambek. We walk quickly along the river bed. It is not possible to cross to the other side. A.V. invigorated. We arrive at the Fortambek glacier in 3 hours. We leave all our things on the moraine. We ourselves go down lightly to the “tugai” (fishing line) to stock up on food for further routes. In addition, A.V. must be left at the base on Fortambek, where there is a first aid kit and care. A.V. He’s completely given up and doesn’t want to go any further. Walter and I go to the place “at the five birches”, where 50 cans of canned food are hidden, but we find nothing. We move reluctantly. A.V. finds a warehouse and tells Walter and me.”
"Pamir Expeditions" August 28, 1933. P. A. Traube.
Glaciers in Fortambek basin.
Upper limit of Moskvina glacier is located at an altitude of: 7105 meters (Evgenia Korzhenevskaya peak), 6841 (Izvestia peak) meters above sea level, 6641 (Clara Zetkin peak) meters above sea level, 6230 (Chetrekh Peak) meters above sea level, end of glacier is located at an altitude of 3737 meters above sea level, located on western slope of ridge of Academy of Nauk (National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan), in Lakhsh region of Republic of Tajikistan
The Moskvin glacier originates on the southwestern slopes of the Evgeniya Korzhenevskaya peak (this branch was identified as an independent glacier in 1933, calling it the Nedokladov glacier), then receives significant masses of ice from two saddles of the Chetyrekh pass and Chetyrekh peak, as well as from the north the western slopes of part of the Academy of Nauk ridge between the peaks of Voroshilov and Clara Zetkin.
The length of the Moskvin glacier is 9.2 kilometers, its area reaches 16.4 square kilometers, and it belongs to the Fortambek river (glacier) basin. The Moskvin and Walter glaciers are almost identical in size and have a common extent in their lower part.
They form a water stream about 3 kilometers long, which disappears under the Fortambek glacier. The Moskvin glacier originates on the southwestern slopes of the Evgeniya Korzhenevskaya peak (this branch was identified as an independent glacier in 1933, calling it the Nedokladov glacier), then receives significant masses of ice from two saddles of the Chetyrekh pass and Chetyrekh peak, as well as from the north the western slopes of part of the Academy of Sciences ridge between the peaks of Voroshilov and Clara Zetkin.
630 meters east of the confluence of the Moskvina and Walter glaciers, from July to the end of August there is a mountaineering camp in the Moskvina glade (Suloev glade).
Geographic coordinates of Moskina glacier: N39°01'09 E72°01'09
Alexander Petrov.
"Fortambek and its peaks." G. Kalinin. Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1983.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.