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Karataushyk mountains on Mangyshlak.

Exclusive tours Mangyshlak.
«Every creature lives in a state of war by nature»
Jonathan Swift.
Individual tours by jeep Mangyshlak.
Karataushyk mountains are located in the central part of the Mangyshlak peninsula, 3 kilometers south of the southern border of the Emdy mountains, 10 kilometers south of the central part of the South Aktau ridge, most of the mountains are located in Tyub-Karagan and a smaller, western part in the Mangistau district of the Mangistau region.
The Karataushyk Mountains stretch for 11 kilometers from the southeast to the northwest, their width in the western part reaches 6 kilometers. The highest elevation on the Karataushyk plateau in the western part is a nameless mountain with a height of 209.7 meters above sea level.
The next highest is also a nameless mountain 208 meters above sea level, which is located 1 kilometer northeast of the previous mountain. The Karataushyk Mountains are trimmed from the southern border of the Emdy Mountains by the Dalapa Valley.
The Dalapa valley stretches from the southeast to the northwest, its western border is the salty bed of Ashchykar, the eastern border is the Beskempir valley.
Geographic coordinates of Karataushyk mountains on Mangyshlak peninsula: N44°20'58.41" E51°23'46.01"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.