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Marguzor lakes.

Tours on Marguzor lakes.
“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn”
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Trip from Panjikent on Marguzor lakes.
The flowing Marguzor lakes (translated from Tajik as seven beauties), located at an altitude of 1640 meters above sea level (Lake Nezhigon) to 2400 meters above sea level (Lake Azorchashma), are located north of the Gissar ridge and in the southern part of the Zeravshan ridge, in the river valley Shing, in the Penjikent region of the Sughd region.
The second lake Soya (in translation from Tajik - Shadow), (according to the account from north to south), is located at an altitude of 1700 meters above sea level, the third lake Gushor (Izhor, Khushier, Khusher, in translation from Tajik - Vigilant) is located at an altitude 1770 meters above sea level, the fourth flowing, dammed lake Nofin, located at an altitude of 1820 meters above sea level, the fifth lake Khurdak, located at an altitude of 1870 meters above sea level, the sixth lake Marguzor, located at an altitude of 2134.2 meters above sea level, the seventh lake Azorchashma, is located at an altitude of 2400 meters above sea level.
The Marguzor Lakes Cascade is located in the Shing River Valley, which in ancient times served as a place of lively trade. The Shing River Gorge was a convenient route of communication between Central Asia and India.
In the Fanу Mountains, there are up to 30 lakes with cold transparent water, born on the snowy fields of the high mountains. The lakes are located on the pedestals of ancient and fresh moraines, formed as a result of melting and retreating glaciers.
And among them, the Marguzor Lakes, or, as they are sometimes called, the Seven Beauties of Shing, stand apart. It is a string of seven turquoise lakes cascading down the wide valley of the Shing River. They are sometimes called even one of the seven wonders of the world.
The lowest lake Nezhigon (Mizhigon) is located at an altitude of 1640 meters above sea level, the second - at 1700 meters above sea level, and so on. And each lake is higher than the other, more beautiful and inaccessible.
The latter is located at an altitude of over 2,400 meters above sea level. Locals say that whoever gets there will find happiness. The Marguzor lakes, and especially Lake Nezhigon, are beautiful with the unusual color of their water.
The minerals dissolved in the water give it a blue color even in the foam of the turbulent Shing River. The minerals dissolved in the water give it a blue color even in the foam of the turbulent Shing River. When the rebellious Shing overflows and turns into a calm surface of the lake, the water takes on a thick rich color from blue to purple.
The secret of the appearance of these lakes will be revealed by the legend according to which a blacksmith once lived in the valley and had he has 7 beautiful daughters. Once the local ruler saw his youngest daughter and fell in love with her.
The father agreed to give him his daughter as a wife, but she did not want to marry the old ruler. And the smart girl decided set her own condition: she will get married if the ruler builds a golden fairytale palace. The girl was sure that he could not do it, but inspired by love, the old man performed a miracle and built the palace in 40 days.
Realizing that the condition was met, the beauty threw herself down from the roof of the palace in her wedding dress on their wedding day. At the place where she crashed, Lake Nezhgon appeared, and the rest of the lakes were formed from the tears of her sisters.
Contrary to the beautiful legend, pragmatic geologists explain the appearance of these lakes as a consequence of an earthquake. One of the seven lakes is called Gushor, which translates as "vigilance." It is named so because poisonous snakes are found around it.
Another interesting lake - Azorchashma ("Thousand Springs") was formed due to springs and small streams.
Geographical coordinates of Marguzor lakes: N39°09'31.74" E67°50'37.63"
Books: "Fan Mountains", authors A.S. Mukhin, V.F. Gusev. "Nature of Tajikistan" publishing house "Mysl".
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.