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Arabel-Su river.

Rivers in Tien-Shan mountains.
“Our road went almost straight to the west; for the passage to Naryn, I knew the passes in the peaks of Turgen-Ak-Su, east of the post, and to the west of it Zaukinsky, Barskaunsky and more western - Keregetas, Ton, Konur-Ulen, Ulakhol.
I chose Barskaun, which is more convenient than Zauki, and even more so Turgen - Ak-Su, impassable for camels and closer to the top of Naryn than more western passes; moreover, I expected that by the time we reached Barskoon, the snow would melt high in the mountains."
"Journey through the Turkestan region and the study of the mountainous country of the Tien Shan." N. Severtsov. St. Petersburg. 1873.
Rivers of Arabel valley in Tien-Shan mountains.
Arabel-Su River, 41 kilometers long, originates at an altitude of 3779 meters above sea level from a group of lakes called Dzhashyl-Kel, which are located in the Arabel valley, located in the Jetyoguz district of the Issyk-Kul region.
In turn, the Arabel valley is located between the southern slopes of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge and the northern slopes of the Sook and Jetim-Bel ridges on syrt formations. The Arabel-Su river basin consists of three main tributaries - Koturtor, Ittysh and Kichi-Maytor.
The sources of the river start from the south-east side of the Barskoon pass located at an altitude of 3754 meters above sea level. Just below the pass is Lake Barskoon at an altitude of 3750 meters above sea level.
The river passes Lake Barskoon and after 1.8 kilometers flows into Lake Dzhashyl-Kel West, located at an altitude of 3779.1 meters above sea level. Just 200 meters to the south is the Central Lake Dzhashyl-Kel, located at an altitude of 3779.1 meters above sea level. After 5.5 kilometers, the river flows into the Jashyl-Kel South Lake, located at an altitude of 3752 meters above sea level.
The river bends around the Jetym-Bel ridge from the north, turns south and flows between the western slopes of the Akshiyrak ridge and the southeastern slopes of the Jetym-Bel ridge until it flows into the Taragai River.
At the 28th kilometer in Arabel-Su on the left, the Katurtor River flows into the river at an altitude of 3647 meters above sea level. At 35 km after the sources, the Ittysh River flows to the left and a little higher, the Kichi-Maitor River flows to the right.
Throughout its length, Kashka-Su receives 8 tributaries on the left, 15 tributaries on the right. The speed of the river flow is 1.1 - 1.2 meters per second.
Geographic coordinates of Arabel-Su River: N41°52'51.31" E77°53'20.16"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.