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Kulzhabasy mountains.

Tours in mountains Zhambyl of province.
"Echo rolls its roulades into the distance.
A miracle! The mountains-masses are whispering.
And under the rock the bush is hiding,
Like the papakhas of an evil ambush.
The rustling of the leaves is extraordinary -
The wind has told them new secrets,
Suddenly a nightingale song enters your chest, heard by chance.
My mountains! They have overshadowed you with newness
Fairy Spring with the good fairy - Love"
Saken Seifullin "In Spring". 1919. Translated by V. Vinogradov.
Author's tour to Kazakhstan.
Kulzhabasy Range is located in north of the Kopa Valley, between Chu-Ili Mountains in southwest and mountain range in northeast of Sarybastau and Dalan-Kara, stretched in a sublatitudinal direction, located on territory of Kordai district in southeast of Zhambyl region and Zhambyl district in northwest of Almaty region.
Kulzhabasy Mountains are a low mountain range, these mountains are part of a system of ridges that form a transition zone between the flat territories and higher mountain formations of Southern Kazakhstan. The mountains stretch from west to east and are a series of rocky hills interspersed with gentle hills and valleys.
The mountains are composed mainly of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks formed as a result of long-term geological processes. There are outcrops of limestone, sandstone and granite. The length of the mountains reaches 38 kilometers from the southeast to the northwest, the greatest width in the eastern part is up to 12 kilometers.
The eastern border of the mountains are the Zhartas Mountains, in the west the Kostobe Mountains. In the west, the dominant elevation is an unnamed hill 1183.6 meters above sea level, in the east an unnamed peak 1092.3 meters above sea level.
Along the western slope of the mountain is laid the Otar - Shu railway. The middle part of the Chu-Ili Mountains in the area of the Kordai and Anrakhai stations are called Kindyktas. Between the Kulzhabasy and Kindyktas ridges is the Kopa River valley.
Small streams and rivers flowing into the valley dry up in the summer, but even in the Middle Ages and the XVIIIth - XIXth centuries. they were full-flowing, as evidenced by the preserved traces of dams, water intakes, water distributors and traces of irrigation systems, as well as traces of fields.
The remains of irrigation systems are located in the area of the Kordai, Anrakhai railway stations, as well as in the Oi-Dzhailau valley in the Kindyktas Mountains and at the western end of the Chu-Ili Mountains, which indicates that during the humid period the population here was also engaged in agriculture.
The climate of the region is continental, with hot summers and cold winters. Precipitation is relatively small, which forms arid steppe and semi-desert landscapes. Despite this, small springs and seasonal streams can be found in the gorges and valleys. T
he flora of the Kulzhabasy Mountains is represented by typical steppe and semi-desert vegetation: wormwood, feather grass, caragana, rose hips, willows. In the valleys there are small groves of poplars and willows. The southern slopes of the Kulzhabasy Mountains, now parched by the summer heat, were greener and more favorable for life in ancient times.
Even today, small oases of vegetation have been preserved in some gorges - groves and bushes growing near springs. The abundance of petroglyphs and traces of ancient settlements indicate that these places were once densely populated and served as a home for people in different historical periods.
The animal world includes foxes, wolves, steppe eagles, lizards and snakes. Archaeological sites have been discovered in the vicinity of the Kulzhabasy Mountains, indicating the presence of ancient nomadic civilizations. Here, there are remains of burial mounds, a significant number of petroglyphs from different eras and sites dating back to different historical periods - from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages.
The Kulzhabasy Mountains are of interest to tourists and researchers. Their relatively low altitude makes hiking and trails for outdoor enthusiasts possible. In addition, the area is used for grazing livestock, which is typical for the entire region. The Kulzhabasy Mountains are a unique natural site in the Zhambyl and Almaty regions, combining the beauty of wild nature, archaeological sites and historical heritage.
This little-studied corner of Kazakhstan attracts travelers who want to touch history and enjoy the scenery of untouched nature.
Geographic coordinates of Kulzhabasy Mountains: N43°38'35 E75°00'18
Authority and photos by:
Alexander Petrov.