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Naryn Regional Museum named after Kaken Mambetalieva.

Excursion to Naryn Regional Museum.
"Ala kiyiz and shyrdak should be attributed to the archaic traditions of the best folk artistic achievements. They contain motifs of the past, they have become national carpets. They decorate the interior of the home, they create coziness, bring joy, they are prepared as a dowry. Among the domestic crafts of the Kyrgyz in the past, weaving occupied a significant place. Thinner woolen fabrics were used to make clothes. From coarse fabrics, saddle bags (kurzhuns) and palases (taars) were made. Pile weaving is also represented in Kyrgyz art."
Museums of Naryn Region.
Naryn Regional Museum of History and Local Lore is located at an altitude of 2061 meters above sea level, on Rozakova Street, 197 meters northeast of first (upper) bridge over Naryn River, 225 meters southeast of School No. 7 named after Maten Sadykov, in central part of Naryn.
The museum belongs to the 3rd category of museums in Kyrgyzstan, the volume of funds is about 3,000 storage units, of which the main fund is 500 units. The exhibits of the Naryn Regional Museum of History and Local Lore tell about the history of the region, present ancient examples of the ancient original culture of the Kyrgyz.
Among the exhibits of the museum are items of traditional life, national clothing, ancient artifacts and folk art, kitchen utensils and dishes, agricultural tools, samples of weapons found by archaeologists in the ruins of the fortress of the VIth -Xth centuries Koshoi-Korgon, which reveal the uniqueness of the nomadic culture.
On the walls of the museum you can see photographs of unique rock paintings from a stone gallery in the upper reaches of the Saimaluu-Tash valley, which are presumably dated to the IInd millennium BC. The museum is a significant cultural center of the region, demonstrating the rich historical and ethnographic heritage of the Naryn region and Kyrgyzstan as a whole.
The museum is open daily from 9:00 to 18:00, giving visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the history and traditions of the Kyrgyz people. The museum is named after Kaken Mambetalieva (05.04.1936 - 30.07.1984), a historian in the field of Kyrgyz ethnography, who made a great contribution to the development of modern Kyrgyz ethnographic science. The first female ethnographer in Kyrgyzstan.
Staff of Naryn Regional Museum Museum can hold exciting master classes:
- "Besh-Barmak show" - where you can learn how to cook this famous national dish;
- "Boorsok show" - where you will be taught the secrets of cooking traditional Kyrgyz flour products.
These events will allow you not only to learn more about the culture of Kyrgyzstan, but also to try your hand at cooking national dishes!
The museum is open daily from 9:00 to 18:00.
Geographical coordinates of museum in city of Naryn: N41°25'31 E76°01'16
Alexander Petrov.
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