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Valley of Boszhira.

let's go Mangyshlak.
“Nature will tell you a direct lie if she can”
Charles Darwin.
Tours and Walks to Boszhira on Mangyshlak.
The Boszhira valley is located east of the Western cliff of Ustyurt, 16.3 kilometers north and slightly west of the lake and the Karashek salt marsh, 21.7 kilometers north-east of the Baisary valley, 18.4 kilometers south and slightly east of the underground mosque Beket ata and 23.4 kilometers to the east and slightly north of Mount Bokty, 100 kilometers to the east and slightly north of the town of Zhanaozen in the Karakiya district in the southeastern part of the Mangistau region.
The length of the Boszhira valley from the north (border of the Second panorama of Boszhira) to the south (the southern outlier of Ushkir tau) is 7.4 kilometers, from the east (Western cliff of the Ustyurt plateau) to the west (the beginning of the Middle Boszhira plateau) - 7 kilometers.
If you move from a mark with a height of 235.1 meters above sea level, located 3.7 kilometers to the south and slightly east of the Zhosaly hill, to the east and further along the Western cliff of the Ustyurt plateau to the mount of the Ushkir tau, this will be the northern, northeastern and the eastern border of the valley.
From the south, the valley is bordered by the lake and the Karashek salt marsh, from the west by the road going from the Zhanaozen - Beket ata mosque to the Akkuduk village. In the west, 2.5 kilometers to the east of the Western cliff of the Ustyurt Plateau, there is Mount Baszhira, 287.3 meters above sea level.
The Boszhira valley is a remnant mountain range at the bottom of the greatest canyon, which greatly enhances the impression of its contemplation. The valley occupies a huge area, in order to get acquainted with it, it will take more than one day.
Here, nature allowed complete freedom of its imagination, created an unearthly landscape in white chalk tones. The huge valley is surrounded on three sides by an amphitheater of natural wonders. Everything is white here - canyons, peaks, mountains-towers, mountains-castles, mountains-yurts.
Boszhira trademark is two chalk peaks - Azu tisteri Boszhira. Other sights of the tract are presented: the most southern outliers - Ushkir tau, outlying mountains - Borly tau, Mount Yurt, Shoky tau, Ulken keme. On the Middle Plateau there is the Boszhira Canyon, on the Upper Plateau there is a picturesque panoramic platform with the top of Mount Ulken keme.
Oynak glade offers stunning views of the sights of the Boszhira valley. Travel along the tract usually consists of two parts: walking and car trips. The most famous point to visit is the foot of the Azu tisteri peaks, where travelers dashed off the road.
It is convenient to set up a tent base camp here and go hiking in different parts of the valley. The movement can be absolutely arbitrary - wherever you want. The local relief, although indented, does not require special mountain preparation.
Only caution is required when climbing and descending on chalk slopes. There are also remnant chameleon mountains that change their appearance as you go around it, and a yurt mountain, and gorges with steep walls, chalk layers, stone nodules, and fossils, and ... much more.
Hiking trails can range from 5 to 8 kilometers. Automobile routes involve an exit through the Zhusaly rise (which you exit from the Zhana-Ozen - Beket ata necropolis) along the Western Chink of Ustyurt, which has panoramic views from which fantastic views of Boszhira open, no less charged with emotional delight.
Arans (ancient hunting structures made of stones for enclosing wild animals) are encountered at almost every stop of panoramic platforms. The only unpleasant feature of Boszhira is the frequent strong winds from which it is impossible to hide.
The wind can rise suddenly... The distance from Zhanaozen to Boszhira is 148 kilometers, from Aktau is 298 kilometers. In these surroundings, the Boszhira valley conceals a huge number of stunning and dizzying attractions of the wonderful nature of Mangystau.
Geographic coordinates valley of Boszhira: N43°25'52.22 "E54°05'22.76"
Andrey Astafyev, Aktau town, Alexander Petrov Almaty .
Alexander Petrov.