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Zhangeldin complex of museums in Torgay.

Tour to the museums of Zhangeldin complex in Torgai.
“If the main wealth for the people is health, then the main wealth for the soul is knowledge and art. It is only with their help that peoples find their place in civilization. The main thing now is to give knowledge to young people, to teach them a craft, a profession. To implement these tasks in the Kazakh steppe, it is necessary to open Kazakh schools everywhere, teach in the Kazakh language "
Akhmet Baitursynov.
Torgai museums.
The Zhangeldin complex of museums is the main attraction of the village of Turgai, located in the Kostanay region. The institution consists of several buildings: the historical and memorial museum named after Alibi Zhangeldin, the memorial and pedagogical museum named after Ibrai Altynsarin, the literary museum named after Akhmet Baitursynov and Myrzhakyp Dulatov and the museum of Shakshak Zhanibek.
A brief history of the creation of the Zhangeldinsky Museum Complex.
All these unusual names for the Russian reader are of great importance, for the Kazakh people and in one way or another are connected with the area - Turgai. Thus, Alibi Zhangeldin went down in history as a revolutionary leader and traveler.
It was in his honor that the first museum of the complex was opened in the village. The local authorities allocated a two-story building for the institution on Shakshak Zhanibek Square. This memorable event took place in the fall of 1984.
It is difficult to overestimate the role of Ibrai Altynsarin in the life of Kazakhs - a teacher-educator, a public figure, a writer and just a versatile personality, it was he who laid the foundation for the secular education of this Turkic-speaking people.
The activist has a relationship with the settlement of Turgai: in January 1864, he opened the first school here. Several decades after its reconstruction, it turned into a memorial museum named after its founder. The building is easily recognizable by the monument located next to it.
For the integrity of the image, the enlightener is depicted with a student, whom he holds by the hand. Since 1991, a small one-story red brick building has been occupied by a literary museum. The fact that the institution bears the names of outstanding Kazakh writers and fighters for Kazakh independence - Akhmet Baitursynov and Myrzhakyp Dulatov, does not cause any surprise.
In 1993, the company added to the existing museums the fourth, the very last museum of the complex, dedicated to Shakshak Zhanibek. The building was erected in honor of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Kazakh batyr (an honorary military title among the Turkic peoples). It differs from its predecessors in a more spectacular architecture in which oriental elements prevail.
In the near future, the building is to be overhauled. It is quite possible that the Zhanibek Museum may change the Turgai "registration" to the Kostanay one and "move" to the regional center. On this occasion, fierce discussions are now underway.
Museums expositions in Turgay.
The most important value of the entire museum complex is a piece of the flag inherited by Shakshak from his grandfather at the beginning of the XVIIIth century. The uniqueness of this artifact is that it serves as a link between many generations.
One legend is also associated with the flag, according to which he was nicknamed the successor of the family. If the family did not have a child for a long time, a piece of the flag was hung on the dome of the yurt, and the addition was not long in coming.
In total, the Zhanibek Museum has three expositions. The exhibition halls also contain a letter from General Urusov addressed to Empress Elizabeth (brought from Orenburg). In it, Urusov asks to pacify the fearless batyr, who was going to fight the Volga Cossacks.
Here you can also see a copy of the seal of a diplomat batyr, bicentennial maps of the Kazakh steppes, a huge diorama depicting the battle of the Kazakh army with the Dzungars. The Literary Museum acquaints visitors with the works and works belonging to Akhmet Baitursynov and Murzhakup Dulatov.
The collection is complemented by personal belongings of writers. The Memorial Pedagogical Museum consists of six exhibition halls. They contain the epistolary heritage of an innovative teacher, subjects telling about the pedagogical activity of Ibrai Altynsarin, about his family and childhood, followers and the most prominent students.
The total area allocated for the exhibition halls is 303 square meters. The Alibi Zhangeldin Museum displays books and documents that make up the historical heritage of the Turgai Territory. The artifacts are divided into seven thematic collections that tell about ethnography, the era of collectivization, the national liberation uprising, the devastating years of the Great Patriotic War and other significant milestones. The total area of the historical and memorial museum is 477.6 square meters.
Address of the Turgai Museum Complex: Turgai settlement, Shakshak Zhanibek Square.
Opening hours: from 9.00 to 18.00, except Sunday and Monday.
Entrance tickets: adult - 200 tenge, student - 100 tenge, children - 70 tenge.
Phone: 8 (714 39) 2 18 09
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