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Tour of Kyrgyzstan.

ravel routes in Kyrgyzstan.

"If we are destined to breathe the same air,
Let us unite forever,
Let us preserve our souls.
Then we ourselves will be preserved on Earth!"

N. Starshinov.

Short description of trip to Tien -Shan mountains:

Almaty - valley and river Karkara - Saryjaz river valley - Kuylyu gorge - Inylchek village and river - Chon-Ashu pass - Turgen-Aksu, Ak-Suu (Teploklyuchenka) villages - Altyn-Arashan gorge - city and Karakol gorge - Ala-Kel lake - Tamga village - Skazka canyons - gorge and Barskoon pass - Sook pass - gorge and Tosor pass - Uch-Emchek river valley - river and Naryn city - Ak-Muz village - Bosogo valley - Kyndy pass - East Aksai river valley - Kyzyl-Asker mountain range - Kel-Suu lake - Western Aksai river valley - Chatyr-Kul lake - building Tash-Rabat - Koshoy-Korgon fortification - Naryn city - Kochkor village - Boom gorge - Bishkek city.

Distance of route: 2080 km.
Season: from July 10 to September 1.
Duration of tour: 22 days.
Distance of active part of tour: 56 km.
Best time for the tour: July - August.

Detailed program of excursion walk through nature of Issyk-Kul and Naryn regions:

Celestial Mountains of Kyrgyzstan.

Day 1. Almaty - Char-Kuduk tract (304 km). 
Transfer: Almaty - Chilik village - Charyn canyons (210 km, 3 - 3.5 hours).
From Almaty to Chilik village 120 kilometers, we will cover this distance on a new "concrete" road bypassing, populated areas. Passing the village of Chilik, we leave the highway and move towards the Sogety mountains, soon at the bazaar in the village of Baiseit we have our first short stop.
Along the main street of the village stretches a colorful vegetable bazaar, interspersed with cafes, restaurants, barbecue and tandoor. Further path lies through the small Sogety ridge, along the narrow Kokpek gorge, 11 kilometers long. The ridge separates the valley of the Ili River from the large latitudinal ridge of the Zailiysky Alatau.
Gradually, the Kokpek gorge widens and passes into the Syugaty valley, which is fenced from the north by the Sogety ridge, from the south by the Toruaigyr ridge. Syugaty valley stretches from west to east and the extreme northern border of the valley is the Ili River, the southern - Charyn River.
Having passed the valley, the road begins to go deeper into the Alasy gorge of the Toruaigyr ridge, we turn left onto the road leading to the Charyn canyon. From here to the canyon is 11 kilometers. Arrival at Charyn canyons.
Walk along canyon to Charyn River. 
Charyn Canyon is a whole ensemble of palaces, towers and minarets. The gorge reached approximately this appearance about half a million years ago. This is how the "Valley of Castles" arose - one of the masterpieces of natural architecture.
On the slopes there are numerous remains of fossil fauna, dating back to the Lower Carboniferous about 300 million years ago. Since prehistoric times, the waters of the Charyn - the largest tributary of the Ili River - have carved a channel for themselves among the rocks, grinding down the stone and forming a huge passage in the rocks.
Charyn Canyon is a unique natural complex of Kazakhstan, has a length of about one hundred kilometers. End of the walk, lunch. 
Further transfer: Charyn canyons - bridge over Charyn river - Aksay village - Kegen village (50 km).
Before the village of Chilik, we pass a small mountain range Kuluk-Tau in the eastern part of the Zailiyskiy Alatau with the Kegen pass 1945 meters above sea level. In the village of Kegen, a short stop, visiting shops.
Further transfer: Kegen - Karkara village - Kazakh-Kyrgyz checkpoint "Karkara" 26 km).
Passing through border control formalities.
Transfer: Checkpoint "Kegen" - Kyrgyz village Karkara - Karkara river and gorge - Char-Kuduk  valley(18 km).
We will set up our camp on the left bank of the Karkara River. Walking in the surrounding area, dinner, overnight in tents. 
Day 2. Char-Kuduk valley - Sarydzhaz river valley (50 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Char-Kuduk - * Karkara river valley - Kyzylmoynok pass 2801 - Turuk gorge - Turuk pass 3354 meters above sea level (47 km).
 After the Char-Kuduk valley, our path continues up the Karkara gorge. A beautiful, blue river rushes with a roar and rumble in a stone bed. The northern slopes are chosen by the Shrenk spruce, the mighty trees rise to an altitude of 2900 meters above sea level.
After the confluence of the Borondo-Turuk and Chon-Turuk rivers, the Turuk River is formed, in this place on the left bank of the river there are picturesque white outcrops of marble rock. After the confluence of the Turuk and Kokdzhar rivers, the Karkara River is formed.
In the Karkara gorge there are vast jailoos and here are numerous herds of sheep, cows and herds of horses. Almost along our entire journey we will be accompanied by shepherds' camps with yurts and tents. The further way along the valley of the river Turuk, the road here is more difficult and less traveled, gradually we get to the syrts, these are huge swampy areas, overgrown with stunted grass, low bushes with small lakes.
Syrts are open spaces, it is impossible to protect yourself from the wind here, the vegetation is dry and not abundant and shepherds with their flocks are very rare here. Soon we are at the Turuk pass. Not far from here in the area of ​​the Kokdzhar river, in 1856 the tireless and very first explorer of Tien-Shan P.P. Semenov Tian-Shansky first saw the Khan-Tengri peak.
The artist Kosharov was able to sketch this picture. Here the travelers got into severe bad weather, there was a strong snowstorm and their tents were completely covered with snow. On a sunny morning they saw the Khan-Tengri peak. Stop at the pass. From here, a great panorama of the Sary-Dzhaz ridge opens up.
We are located approximately in the middle of the ridge, observing it from the north, from the height of the pass, the northern slope of the ridge, distant and close peaks, as if on the palm of your hand. We hope that at sunset, a pointed pyramid of an amazing mountain will open up before us, which will be removed from us at a distance of 65 kilometers to the east, but a little to the south. 
Transfer: Turuk pass - valley of the Sary-Dzhaz river (H-3037) (3 km).
Soon we descend into the valley of the Sary-Dzhaz river, our camp will be on the right side of the river, opposite the lake Zhashyl-Kol next to the Ak-Chunkur cave.
Walks in the vicinity, dinner, overnight in tents.
Day 3. Sary-Dzhaz - Kuylyu gorge (61 km).
Breakfast. After breakfast, visit to the Ak-Chunkur cave. In the middle of the last century, the cave was interesting because it preserved rock paintings made with red ocher. The finds in the cave date back to the Neolithic period, and the paintings to the end of the Neolithic period or the beginning of the Bronze Age. The entrance to the cave begins with a large grotto, in which V.I. Ratzek and H.A. Apysbayev discovered paintings in 1953. 
Transfer: Sarydzhaz - outpost "Echkili-Tash" - rivers Tuyuk, Kensu, Ottuk (32 km). 
9.5 kilometers from the Ak-Chunkur cave there is a border outpost "Echkili-Tash", here are the border control formalities. The valley of the Sarydzhaz River is extremely picturesque, and we will often see new and new snow-capped peaks and glaciers of the northern slope, located in the main ridge of the range.
We go down the right side of the Sarydzhaz River and will see beautiful and interesting bends and turns of the river against the backdrop of a wide valley and spills. In the summer months, the river flows muddy, filled with suspended matter, only in the fall, when the melting of glaciers decreases, the water becomes clean and transparent with a bluish-blue tint.
Soon we will make a stop where the Ottuk River flows into the Sarydzhaz on the right. This is a very picturesque place, a crystal clear and transparent river flows into the muddy Sarydzhaz. Ottuk originates from the southern slopes of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge, the length of the river is 24 kilometers. Walk in the vicinity. 
Further transfer: Ottuk River - Kuylyu gorge - Mola River - Sharkyratma River (28 km).
At the place where Ottuk flows into the Sarydzhaz, the river turns south, on the right side there is a road. The road from Karakol to the village of Inylchek began to be built in 1980. For 8 kilometers our path lies down along the Sarydzhaz River, we reach the Kuilyu gorge and turn onto a country road that goes deep into the gorge.
The road runs along the left side of the Kuilyu River, along the northern slope of the gorge. About 12 kilometers later we reach a picturesque place, here is the grandiose Mola Mountain, 3530.9 meters above sea level, which rises on the left bank of the river and closes the entrance to the gorge of the same name.
A stormy and full-flowing river flows out of the Mola gorge, across which a bridge is built. Soon we reach the Sharkyratma River, on which there is a waterfall that breaks off a rocky ledge and falls into the river. In this place there are many birds, you can also meet a pika, which lives near the waterfall. 100 meters below the waterfall there is a hunters' base consisting of several houses and trailers.
Visit the waterfall, walk in the surrounding area. After the walk we drive another 1 kilometer and stop on a picturesque, flat terrace among huge stones in the Kindyk valley (N-2885). From here beautiful views of the upper reaches of the river and the Kuylyu gorges open up. Dinner, overnight stay.
Day 4. Kindyk valley - Inylchek village (95 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Kindyk - Sarychat River - Karator River (20 km).
The road from the overnight stay goes up high (H-3060) along the slope, from here there are magnificent views of the Kuylyu valley and the main ridge of the Kuylyu-Too ridge located in the southwest. We will see the peaks of Oroysu Vostochnaya at 4200 meters above sea level, DSO "Zenith" at 4400 and the dominant peak Charlotte at 4605 meters above sea level.
5 kilometers from the overnight stay, we cross the Sarychat River over a bridge, the area in front of the river is very picturesque, here you can photograph marmot colonies that are not bothered by our presence. Our journey along the Kuylyu River valley ends in the Manasyntash valley, where the Kara-Tor River flows in from the right (H-3143).
You can still drive literally 300 meters past the bridge over the Kuylyu River, behind the bridge there are two shepherds' houses grazing sheep. There is no road further. Lunch near the huge, picturesque stones on the left bank of the Kuylyu. From our campsite in the south, in the main ridge of the Kuylyu-Too ridge, the second highest peak of the mountain range is clearly visible - Obruchev Peak, 5203.2 meters above sea level.
To the east, five-thousanders are visible - Amundsen, 5041 meters high, Bogatyr Peak, 5078 meters high, Aksakal Peak, 5028 meters above sea level. Our journey along the Kuylyu gorge ends, and we return to the Sarydzhaz gorge.
Transfer: Manasyntash valley - Kuylyu river - Sarydzhaz gorge - Inylchek village (75 km).
5 kilometers after leaving the Kuylyu gorge, on the left side we will see the confluence of the Kuylyu river and Sarydzhaz. The narrow and grandiose Srydzhaz gorge amazes with its severity, there is enough space in the gorge only for the river and the road. In some places the river is not visible, it is hidden in deep, steep canyons.
About 5 kilometers before the Inylchek village we will make a stop at the penultimate bridge across the Saoydzhaz. In this place, the bridge is built in a very narrow place, by the way, the old one, perhaps the very first wooden bridge, which was under the new bridge, has survived, but which can be seen by going down a little lower to the river.
The next stop is before the bridge over the Inylchek River. This grandiose river, 56 kilometers long, originates from the South Inylchek glacier. The glacier is 6 kilometers longer than the river, its length is 62 kilometers, it is located in the heart of the Central Tien-Shan on the border with the People's Republic of China.
After 1 and 2 kilometers, the river flows into the Sarydzhaz on the left with three branches. About 15 kilometers after the end of the South Inylchek glacier, the North Inylchek glacier adjoins on the right, on which, almost at the junction with the South Inylchek, there is Lake Merzbacher located at an altitude of 3319 meters above sea level.
Every year in the last ten days of July or the first ten days of August, the lake overflows, and water breaks out of it and a stream of water rushes along the glacial channels of the South Inylchek along the bed of the Inylchek River into the Sary-Dzhaz River.
This is a grandiose spectacle, the river increases several times and the water spreads throughout the entire valley of the Inylchek River and with noise and roar flows into the Sarydzhaz. Immediately behind the bridge is the village of Inylchek. In 1962, at the confluence of the large and full-flowing rivers Inylchek and Saarydzhaz, in the eastern part of the Central Tien-Shan mountains, a rich deposit of tin and tungsten was discovered, which was called "Trudovoe", which marked the beginning of the construction of this village. Walks in the vicinity.
For the night, we will settle on the right bank of the Sarydzhaz River, among deciduous trees - willows and poplars, for this we will cross the Sarydzhaz River on a metal bridge and settle in a cozy meadow with grass. Dinner, overnight in tents. 
Day 5. Inylchek - Ak-Suu village (127 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Inylchek village - "Kara-Tash" hot spring (6 km).
We will visit a local landmark - the hot spring "Kara-Tash", located on the left bank of the Sarydzhaz River. The water in the spring reaches 57 degrees and in cold weather you can take a bath here. In the summer months, when the water in the river rises, the spring goes under water, at least the approach to it is difficult, you need to walk knee-deep in icy water. Walk in the surrounding area. 
Transfer: "Kara-Tash" - Sarydzhaz gorge - Ottuk gorge - Chan-Ashu pass - (50 km).
We return to the mouth of the Ottuk River, go through the formalities of the next border post and head to the Chon-Ashu pass. Before climbing the pass, beautiful views of the glaciers of the upper reaches of the river, where it originates, open up on the right side. From the pass, a delightful view of the Ottuk River valley opens up. Stop at the pass, walk in the surrounding area. 
Transfer: Chan-Ashu pass – Novovoznesenovka, Ak-Suu villages – beginning of Arashan gorge (71 km).
We drive 10 kilometers along the Chon-Ashu River, which flows from the right side into the Turgen-Aksu River in the Kokkiya tract. Throughout the gorge there are yurts and tents of shepherds, and domestic animals graze next to them. We pass the most beautiful gorge in the Terskey Ala-Too ridge and along From the village of Ak-Bulak our path lies to the west. We pass many villages of the Aksuysky district, the largest of which are Novovoznesenovka, Ak-Suu (former Teploklyuchenka), in the center of the village of Ak-Suu we turn left towards the Arashan gorge. Arrival at the guest house, accommodation, dinner, overnight stay. 
Day 6. Ak-Suu - city of Karakol (51 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Ak-Suu - Arasan gorge - Altyn-Arashan resort (20 km).
We leave the guest house and head for a new journey in the Terskey Ala-Too mountains. The asphalt road surface will still stretch a little beyond the village of Ak-Suu and will soon end. Recently the road has been repaired and filled in some places, but after about 5 kilometers we will encounter an extreme section of the road on the left bank with large stones.
This is one of the extreme roads to the tourist attractions of the Issyk-Kul Lake area. Not far from the Arashan resort there is a climb along the black soil, which also needs to be overcome, even in the rain. Just before the resort there is a small Ortok pass 2300 meters above sea level.
Stops along the way, photographing the surroundings of the Arasan River, which flows in a thin strip in a deep gorge. Arrival at the Altyn-Arashan resort. This is one of the most beautiful gorges in Kyrgyzstan, located on the northern slope of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge.
At the Arasan resort you can swim in natural hot radon springs, and then dive into the cool waters of the Arashan River, which is nearby. Walks in the vicinity of the resort. Thermal springs "Altyn-Arashan" are located in a picturesque valley, in the area of ​​​​alpine meadows. In the immediate vicinity of the river there are springs with different water compositions and temperatures.
They contain hydrogen sulfide, the water temperature reaches 41, in radon 32 degrees. Here you can take baths all year round, the local healing water treats diseases of the joints, digestive organs, liver, kidneys, heart. From the resort to the southeast and further to the southwest leads a 13-kilometer trail to Lake Ala-Kol.
The trail is laid along the left side of the Arasan River, after about 3 kilometers you cross the ford across the Kol-Dike River and begin the ascent along the eponymous gorge to the Ala-Kol North Pass at an altitude of 3893 meters above sea level. From the pass there is a magnificent view of the high-mountain, moraine, flowing, freshwater lake Ala-Kol located at an altitude of 3532 meters above sea level.
Traversing the slope along the southern shore of the lake, the trail leads to the sources of the Kurgak-Tor River, on which a picturesque waterfall is located just below, and along the eponymous gorge, tourists descend into the gorge of the Karakol River.
In the vicinity of the healing springs, there are several wooden houses on picturesque meadows on the right along the bank of the Arashan River. To the south, a view opens up of the Palatka peak, 4,733 meters above sea level, this inaccessible, snow-ice peak looks like a giant white tent dominating the neighboring peaks of Terskey Ala-Too. Lunch.
In the afternoon, transfer: Altyn-Arashan - Arasan gorge - Ak-Suu village - Karakol city (31 km).
Arrival in Karakol, hotel accommodation, dinner, overnight stay.
Day 7. Karakol.
Breakfast. Karakol (translated from Kyrgyz - "black hand"), is the administrative center of the Issyk-Kul region. In the autumn of 1869, the garrison from the Aksuu fortification, which served as the center of administration of the Issyk-Kul district, was transferred to the Karakol River.
Thus, a new fortification was founded, which received the name of the river on which it is located. The fortification was founded as a military and administrative center on the caravan road from the Chui Valley to Kashgaria by Staff Captain Baron Kaulbars.
The city changed its name several times: until 1889 it was called Karakol, then it was renamed by decree of the Tsar to the city of Przhevalsk, in honor of the famous Russian traveler N. M. Przhevalsky, who died on his way to his 5th journey in 1888 in Karakol.
According to his wishes, he was buried on the shore of Issyk-Kul. In 1922, the city was given back its former name. And in 1939, in connection with the centenary of the birth of N. M. Przhevalsky, the city was again called Przhevalsk. The name remained until 1992, then the city was given back its historical name.
Among the cities of pre-revolutionary Kyrgyzstan, Karakol was a city of relatively high culture. From here, participants in numerous expeditions to Central Asia departed, they were famous scientists and travelers. The city developed as a trade and administrative center of the entire Issyk-Kul region. The population of the city of Karakol is 84,351 (2021) people.
The city is truly a center of cultural mixing, representatives of 30 ethnic groups live here, mainly: Kyrgyz, Russians, Uzbeks, Uighurs, Tatars, Dungans, Kazakhs, Ukrainians and others.
City tour in Karakol, visit: Historical and local history museum, the building is a unique exhibit, a typical example merchant's mansion, in the XIXth century it belonged to the merchant M.N. Ilyin, a famous cattle breeder, and was built in 1889.
Orthodox Holy Trinity Church. With the organization of an independent Turkestan diocese in 1869, a felt field church was transferred from the village of Teploklyuchenka to the new county town. Until 1876, the so-called koshemnaya church, made of felt and boards, served in Karakol, donated by the military from Teploklyuchenka.
Dungan mosque, built in 1910. Architect and builder Zhou-Si. 30 people took part in the construction of the mosque, including 10 wood carvers and roofing masters. Built in the traditions of Dungan architecture with slightly curved roofs, it is a one-story building with 42 pillars encircling the walls, arranged in two rows. 
Visit to the Przhevalsky memorial complex, which is located 12 kilometers northwest of city of Karakol near village of Pristan Przhevalsk:
- N.M. Przhevalsky's grave (1888),
- N.M. Przhevalsky's monument (1894),
- N.M. Przhevalsky's local history museum (1957),
- Orthodox chapel (1996),
- Kuseyn Karasayev's grave (1998),
- Kuseyn Karasayev's monument (2002),
- Kuseyn Karasayev's museum (2013).
City tour: introduction to the wooden architecture of the city, antique shop, local bazaar, souvenir kiosks, parks and monuments of the city. Architectural heritage of the city and monuments of Russian and classical architecture: building of the girls' gymnasium (XIXth century), house of the merchant Babkin (XIXth century), house of the merchant Zakhar Breusov with preserved internal elements, history of the first headman of Karakol N.M. Barsov who founded an agricultural school and a garden, which is still in use, house of the merchant Fatih Sulaimanov, house of the merchant Karimov. End of the tour, dinner, overnight stay. 
Day 8. Karakol city - Karakol gorge (25 km).
Breakfast. We leave the city for the Karakol gorge, along Masaliyev Street, on which there are many guest houses and hotels on both sides of the street. Our path lies to the south, we pass the city hippodrome, the city thermal power plant, soon after the last houses of the residential area of ​​the city there is an ecological post of the Karakol natural park.
The road is laid along the right side of the river, soon on the left it adjoins the Kashkasu gorge in the upper part, of which at an altitude of 2300 meters above sea level there is a ski resort "Karakol". In the very upper part of the Kashkasu gorge on the north-eastern slope there is a glacier, which begins from the Przhevalsky peak at an altitude of 4271.9 meters above sea level.
4 kilometers after the right mouth of the Kashkasu, we cross the bridge to the left bank of the Karkol River. Soon, after 1.8 kilometers, we overcome a small left tributary - the Zyndabulak River, 3.8 kilometers long, which originates from the northern slope of the Atdzhailau peak at an altitude of 3689.3 meters above sea level.
From here begins a difficult and difficult road. After 8 kilometers we cross a ford across the left tributary of the Aitor, 4 kilometers long, which originates from the northern slope of the Ayutor peak, 4,320 meters above sea level. In the upper reaches of the Ayutor gorge on the western ridge there are several peaks: Mendeleevets, 4,182 meters high, Geroev Krasnodona, 4,215 meters high, Studentov, 4,202 meters high, GERO, 4,228 meters high, GTO, 4,245 meters high, Gastello, 4,350 meters high above sea level.
In the beautiful and picturesque meadows on the right side of the Aitor River, we will set up the tents of our camp (2,546 meters above sea level). Walks in the vicinity of the former climbers' camp. From here in ancient times, climbers began their ascents to the peaks located in the upper reaches of the Karakol gorge. Dinner, overnight stay. 
Day 9. Karakol gorge - river and lake Ala-Kol.
Early breakfast. Transition: camp at Aitor River – Karakol River – Ala-Kel River – Sirota valley (3 km).
Early in the morning we go down to the pedestrian bridge over the Karkol River and cross to the right side of the river. We walk about 500 meters along the right bank of the Karakol River and soon the trail turns east and from here begins the ascent through the spruce forest among the Tien-Shan spruces, which are endemic to the Tien-Shan Mountains (Picea schrenkiana).
Spruces reach a height of up to 60 meters, the trunk diameter reaches 2 meters, this valuable tree is an adornment of the forests in the Tien Shan Mountains. In some places the trail winds, in some places it rises head-on up the slope. Gradually the slope becomes gentle and a scree begins, with huge stones, which are necessarily chaotically scattered everywhere.
Soon we reach the "Sirota" valley located at an altitude of 2940 meters above sea level. This place is an ancient moraine, which gradually slid down the western slope of the Ala-Kol gorge. The moraine leveled the gorge, formed cozy meadows, the river laid a new channel and formed small lakes through which the river slows down its flow.
Here in 2022, a small tent and yurt camp was located, where you could get accommodation and food services. A little further along the trail from the yurt camp there is a wooden, primitive hut, which served as a shelter from bad weather for tourists, there is also a large fire pit around which logs are laid.
According to legend, the hut was built in the 70s of the XXth century by a mountain tourist from the city of Karakol named Sirota. Rest in the valley "Orphan".
Further transition: valley "Orphan" - river and lake Ala-Kel (4 km).
After 600 meters from the valley, we move along the path with a slight rise, the path comes close to the river and then winds along the right bank. Soon we reach a clamp - a cliff hanging over the river, the cliff must be overcome along the very edge. Then begins a constant climb along scree, among stones, the slope of the path reaches 40 - 45 degrees.
In two places, not far from the path, there is a unique alpine plant listed in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan - Saussurea involucrata. Before the very last, characteristically pronounced climb, which leads to a isthmus separating the gorge from the moraine lake Ala-Kel, there is another relatively flat area.
Here travelers stop to rest. In the southern part of the moraine flows the Ala-Kul River, which in the upper part consists of several waterfall cascades. This is one of the picturesque places in front of the lake. We make a short stop and continue the climb to the lake.
Soon the path leads us to a natural isthmus, from which a view of the eastern part of Lake Ala-Kel opens. The high-mountain, flowing, freshwater lake Ala-Kol is located at an altitude of 3532 meters above sea level, is located in the upper reaches of the Ala-Kel River, in the Terimtor spur on the northern slope of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge, in the basin of the right tributary of the Karakol River.
The length of the lake from northwest to east is 2.8 kilometers, the greatest width in the eastern part is 650 meters, the perimeter is 6277 meters, the area is 1.28 square kilometers, the catchment area is 9.46 square kilometers. The lake is of landslide origin, formed as a result of a mountain collapse of slopes during earthquakes. In configuration, it repeats a trough valley, the depths of the lake increase from the upper reaches to the dam.
From the western part of the lake flows the stormy and full-flowing Ala-Kel River with a length of 4.5 kilometers, which is the right tributary of the Karakol River. The mouth of the river is at an altitude of 2475 meters above sea level. In the watershed ridge, stretching from west to east, is the Ak-Kel Severny pass, 3858 meters above sea level.
From the pass, a trail leads to the Keldeke gorge and further to the river and the Arasan gorge. The lake receives its main supply from a glacier located in the southeastern part of the lake. At the head of the glacier is the Alakul-Kyry peak, 4322 meters above sea level. The lake drains through a natural isthmus located in the western part.
Walk in the vicinity of the lake. Return to camp near Aitor River in Karakol gorge (7 km).
Arrival at the camp, dinner, overnight stay.
Day 10. Karakol gorge - Tamga village (129 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Karakol gorge – Karakol city – Jety-Oguz village and gorge – “Broken Heart” rock (30 km). 
Jety-Oguz gorge is located on the northern slope of the Terskey Ala-Too mountain range in the Jety-Oguz district of the Issyk-Kul region. The gorge cuts through the northern slope of the Terskey Ala-Too range in a submeridional direction. The gorge extends for 39 kilometers from the upper boundary of the Ailanysh Central glacier located at an altitude of 4679, Ailanysh North located at an altitude of 5126 (northern slopes of Karakol peak) and Ailanysh South located at an altitude of 4323 meters above sea level.
The gorge begins immediately behind the Jety-Oguz village at an altitude of 1792 meters above sea level. Right in front of the Jety-Oguz resort, among the forest slopes on both banks of the river, there are spectacular outcrops of bright crimson, massive red rocks made of layered, red sandstone, which the Kyrgyz called Jety-Oguz (“Seven Bulls”).
Since then, as a result of weathering processes, the number of rocks has increased significantly. The red rocks are so unique and beautiful that in 1968 they were depicted on Soviet postage stamps dedicated to Kyrgyzstan. Walking in the vicinity.
Transfer: Rock "Broken Heart" - Kok-Zhaiyk valley (7 km).
Kok-Zhaiyk valley is a well-developed place for tourists, where nature and tourism infrastructure are located in organic proximity, enjoying great popularity. Here, a yurt tourist town is organized annually, offering a variety of services, including horseback riding excursions to the highland zone and neighboring valleys.
There are more than ten yurt camps, guest houses and shelters for tourists in the tract. Here, livestock grazes nearby, you can taste kumys and ayran, get acquainted with the camping life of nomads who move from their homes to this fabulous place for the summer.
Walk to "Maiden Braids" waterfall (1.5 km).
1.5 kilometers northwest of the Kok-Zhaiyk vajjey, on one of the left tributaries of the Jety-Oguz River, there is a waterfall "Maiden Braids". A path leads to the waterfall, the walk here takes about 1 hour, you can also take a horse ride here. The waterfall is surrounded by Tien-Shan firs, the tops of which reach the height of the beginning of the fall of the water. In the lower part of the waterfall, the trunks of old trees are piled chaotically and quite beautifully, which give the waterfall a picturesque appearance.
View of the gorge from a panoramic platform located on the left terrace of the Jety-Oguz River. From here, picturesque, breathtaking views of the Jety-Oguz gorge, the rocks "Seven Bulls", "Broken Heart" open up.
Transfer: Kok-Zhaiyk valley - Jety-Oguz, Kyzyl-Suu, Ak-Terek villages - Tamga village (92 km).
Arrival in Tamga, accommodation in a guest house, dinner, overnight stay.
Day 11. Tamga village - Sook pass (138 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Tamga - village and gorge, Barskoon waterfall (27 km).
After Tamga village, we go to the Balykchi - Karakol highway and turn right, after 5 kilometers we turn right again to Barskoon village. The village is located 3.6 kilometers from the southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, is located on the right bank of the river of the same name, the eastern part of the village comes out to the Chon-Dzhargylchak gorge.
The gorge begins immediately behind the village. It crosses the northern slope of the ridge in the direction from north to south, changing direction to the west in the upper reaches, where the Kerege-Tash River basin is located. It extends along the axial line of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge to a narrow lakeside plain on the southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul, with a length of about 57 kilometers.
The gorge is used as a pasture and serves as an important route along which the road to the Upper Naryn Valley passes, to the Kumtor mine, through the Karasai outpost, to the village of Uch-Koshkon. The distance from the A-363 Karakol-Balykchy highway to the middle part of the gorge is 21 kilometers.
In the summer, during the tourist season, there is a parking lot, seasonal cafes, barbecue houses, and from here you can take walks to the cascade of waterfalls, which are located in the bed of an unnamed river. In the lower part of the gorge, in the floodplain of the Barskoon River, mainly along its left bank, there are rock paintings.
Images of wild animals are carved on the stones and rocks: goats, deer, horses, camels, hunting scenes, and others. Goat figures predominate. Most of the images are given in the best traditions of the Scythian-Siberian animal style. The drawings were left by the Saka tribes who lived in the Barskoon Valley in the VIIth - IIIrd centuries BC.
The petroglyphs were discovered in 1959 by D. F. Vinnik. The second archaeological attraction of the gorge is the Barskoon settlement, located at an altitude of 1961 meters above sea level, 158 meters from the right bank of the Barskoon River, 5.3 kilometers south of the village of the same name.
The Barskoon settlement consists of central ruins (citadel and shakhristan) and an area surrounded by a long wall. The total area of ​​the settlement is 3970.86 square meters, the perimeter reaches 252.3 meters. The settlement is square in plan, the length of the northern and southern walls is 61 meters, the western and eastern - 63 meters.
It is identified with the city of Barskan, mentioned in written sources of the IXth - XIIIth centuries. The settlement was discovered by D. F. Vinnik in 1959. Soon we will make a stop in a forest clearing, from where we will take a walk to the "Tears of a Barsa" waterfall, the walk to it takes up to 30 - 35 minutes at a leisurely pace.
The waterfall is located at an altitude of 2470 meters above sea level. The width of the waterfall is about two meters, the height is up to 20 meters, in the lower part the waterfall consists of several cascades. The complex of historical objects and natural monuments in the gorge includes a large stone block located in a forest clearing, not far from the waterfalls, on which there is a bas-relief of the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
Not far from the stone, a bust of the first cosmonaut is installed on a stele with the inscription "Yu.A. Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the world." 200 meters above there is a huge stone, enclosed by a small metal fence - "Tagai Biy", according to historical sources, in the vicinity of the gorge in the XVIth century there was the headquarters of Tagai-biy (Muhammad Kyrgyz) - one of the founders of the Kyrgyz statehood. Walk in the vicinity. 
Further transfer: forest glade near waterfalls - Sary-Moinok pass (16 km).
Sary-Moinok pass at an altitude of 3442 meters above sea level, is the first in a series of passes that leads to the valley of the Naryn River. The difference in altitude from the beginning of the ascent to the pass itself is 640 meters. From the northern side, 14 serpentines lead to the pass road. Stop at the pass, walk in the surrounding area.
Transfer: Sary-Moinok Pass - Barskoon Pass (9 km).
On the northern side of the Barskoon Pass, 3,754 meters above sea level, the Barskoon River, 62 kilometers long, originates, flowing into the Barskoon Bay on the southern coast of Lake Issyk-Kul. On the southeastern side of the Barskoon Pass, the Arabel-Su River, 41 kilometers long, originates, which is one of the rivers that originate from the Naryn River
Transfer: Barskoon Pass - Arabel Valley (5 km). 
The length of the Arabel Valley, from the southwest to the northeast is 22 kilometers, the width in the western part reaches 4 kilometers, in the central part 8 kilometers, in the eastern part 3.5 kilometers. The area of ​​the high-mountain Arabel Valley is 105.52 square kilometers, the perimeter is 67.54 kilometers.
There are more than 15 large lakes in the valley, including the group of lakes Jashyl-Kel: Western, Southern, Northern and Central Jashyl-Kel. More than 15 small lakes. This is one of the most beautiful high-mountain valleys in the mountains of the Inner Tien Shan of Kyrgyzstan. Walking in the surrounding area. Lunch on the way. 
Transfer: Arabel Valley - Sook Pass (11 km).
Sook Pass is located between the Arabel-Su and Taragai rivers. Between the Sook Ridge on the northern side is the high-mountain Arabel Valley with numerous lakes, on the southern side are the high-mountain syrts of the Naryn Valley. 6.2 kilometers from the Sook Pass is the high-mountain lake Ekurgen-Kel, 3628.5 meters above sea level.
11.8 kilometers to the east and a little to the north is the Jetym-Bel Pass, 3993 meters above sea level he descent from the Sook Pass leads to the harsh Karasai syrts. A walk in the vicinity of the pass. 
Transfer: Sook Pass - Tamga village (70 km).
Arrival in Tamga village, accommodation in a guest house, dinner, overnight stay.
Day 12. Tamga village - Toguz-Bulak South waterfall (66 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Tamgal village - Tossor village - Skazka canyon (21 km).
On the southern coast of Lake Issyk-Kul, among the rocky mountains, there are picturesque canyons, considered one of the most beautiful places in the region. The unique contours of the relief, which gave the canyon its name, were formed thanks to the red Neogene rocks, transformed under the influence of wind, water and sun into bizarre landscapes.
The clay-sand structures of the canyons are subject to constant changes due to erosion caused by wind and water, which makes the landforms dynamic. These natural sculptures were formed under the influence of weathering, denudation and tectonic movements. A walk in the vicinity of the Skazka canyons.
Transfer: Skazka canyon - Tossor gorge and pass (32 km). 
The Tossor gorge stretches in the meridional direction for 28 kilometers, and the river of the same name flows through the gorge. The sources of the Tossor River are located in the highland and alpine zone and then pass into the flat and foothill semi-desert and steppe.
The river flows into the small Tossor Bay on the southern coast of Lake Issyk-Kul.In the upper reaches of the gorge there is a high-mountain pass Tossor, 3893 meters above sea level, located in the main ridge of the Terskey Ala-Too range. On the northern slope of the gorge there are several Tossor glaciers: Central, Western, Eastern, Northern.
Lunch on the way. A road runs through the gorge, which leads from the southern coast of Lake Issyk-Kul to Lake Chunkur-Kol, to the waterfall "Toguz-Bulak Yuzhny", which is located on the southern slope of the Terskey Ala-Too range on the right tributary 230 meters before the mouth, to the hot springs of Dzhily-Su, which are located on the left bank of the Uch-Emchek River, to Lake Teshik-Kel, to the valley of the Naryn River, to the city of Naryn. On the eastern side of the Tossor gorge is the Tamga gorge, on the western side - the Ton gorge. Stop at the pass, walks in the surrounding area. 
Transfer: Tossor pass - Toguz-Bulak South waterfall (13 km).
From the pass we move first to the southeast and soon turn to the southwest and move along the right bank of the Dzhel-Tor River along the valley formed by the southern slopes of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge and the northern spurs of the Uch-Emchek ridge.
Soon we are at the Toguz-Bulak South waterfall. The river of the same name, overcoming a small rocky spur on its way, formed a tiered, multi-stage picturesque waterfall. After the river laid a narrow, sloping channel in the rock, which meanders when exiting onto a steeper slope of the last rocky terrace, four cascades of falling water are formed.
Walk around the waterfall, climb to the upper terrace, which offers a view of the upper rocky riverbed and the Uch-Emchek River valley amp in the clearing below the waterfall, on the right side of the river, dinner, overnight.
Day 13. Toguz-Bulak South Waterfall - 4th bridge on Maly Naryn River (103 km). 
Breakfast. Transfer: Toguz-Bulak South waterfall - Dzhiluu-Suu spring - mouth of Kashka-Suu river (25 km).
We continue our journey along the road laid along the right side of the Uch-Emchek river. We overcome 11 fords across the river beds flowing down the southern slope of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge. Soon we are in the vicinity of the Dzhiluu-Suu thermal springs, on the right bank of the river there is a solid house for vacationers and tourists, where they take hot baths.
From the mouth of the Kashka-Suu river we have to take a 5-kilometer walk to the beautiful, high-mountain lake Teshik-Kol. The lake is located in a swampy intermountain, hilly area. The length of the lake from northwest to southeast is 1.4 kilometers, the greatest width in the central part reaches 544 meters.
The coastline is 3.56 kilometers long, the lake area is 0.59 square kilometers. From the southern part of the lake flows the Kashka-Suu River, 5 kilometers long, and after 650 meters flows into a small, flowing, moraine lake, located at an altitude of 3504 meters above sea level and soon flows from the right into the Dzhiluu-Suu River. Walk in the vicinity. Return to the mouth of the Kashka-Suu River.
Transfer: mouth of Kashka-Suu River - 4th bridge on Maly Naryn River (78 km).
From the mouth of the Kashka-Suu River, the Uch-Emchek River changes its name - now it is called Dzhiluu-Suu, from here the river turns to the southwest and flows along a wide valley. Our path lies along the right side of the Dzhiluu-Suu River. The Uch-Emchek Mountains end, and the spurs of the Keryu-Karagoman ridge begin in the west.
Soon, the Dzhiluu-Suu flows into the Burkhan River, in turn, after the Archala River flows into the Burkhan, the Bolgart River is formed. After the Karagoman River flows into the Bolgart River, the Maly Naryn River is formed. We will continue to move along the right side of the river, in the vicinity of the village of Tamdy-Suu, we will cross the bridge to the left side of the river.
Along the way, we will see majestic pictures of mountain nature against the backdrop of a grandiose river. At all noticeable, interesting places, we will stop and take short walks. Camp in the vicinity of the 4th bridge on the Maly Naryn River, dinner, overnight.
Day 14. 4th bridge on Maly Naryn River - city of Naryn (32 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: 4th bridge on Maly Naryn River - confluence of Maly and Bolshoi Naryn rivers (16 km).
We continue our journey along the Maly Naryn River. Near the small village of Taldy-Suu, we will make a short stop. Here on the right bank of the river there is an ancient cemetery and a settlement, against the background of adobe structures made of clay, a picturesque view of the river opens up.
Soon a stop at the bridge over the Big Naryn River. Here two full-flowing, great rivers of Central Asia merge, which give rise to the Syr Darya River. The Naryn River flows through the territories of the Issyk-Kul, Naryn and Jalal-Abad regions of Kyrgyzstan, as well as through the Namangan region of Uzbekistan. Walks in the vicinity.
Transfer: confluence of Malyn and Big Naryn rivers - city of Naryn (16 km).
Lunch at a local cafe. Visit to the regional museum named after Kaken Mambetalieva. Among the exhibits of the museum are items of traditional life, national clothing, ancient artifacts and folk art products, kitchen utensils and dishes, agricultural tools, samples of weapons found by archaeologists in the ruins of the fortress of the VIth - Xth centuries Koshoy-Korgon, which reveal the uniqueness of the nomadic culture.
The museum is a significant cultural center of the region, demonstrating the rich historical and ethnographic heritage of the Naryn region and Kyrgyzstan as a whole. After the excursion, we will watch fascinating master classes in the museum:
- "Besh-Barmak show" - where you can learn how to cook this famous national dish of meat and dough;
- "Boorsok show" - where you will be taught the secrets of cooking traditional Kyrgyz flour products, which are fried in oil in a cauldron.
These events will allow you not only to learn more about the culture of Kyrgyzstan, but also to try your hand at cooking national dishes!
Visit to the art gallery "AS". The gallery exhibits works by famous artists of the Kyrgyz Republic, including works by G. Aitiev, T. Herzen, S. Chokmorov, J. Kadyraliev and others. In the gallery you can see the works of honored cultural figures and laureates of the Toktogul State Prize, such as S. Azhiev, R. Bukharmetov and T. Usubaliev.
The works reflect the rich cultural heritage of Kyrgyz fine art, combining traditions with modern artistic approaches. Sightseeing tour of the city, visiting: the central mosque of the city (The mosque is named after Azreti Ali (Peace be upon him), which is also called the "Blue Mosque".
The entrance to the mosque is on the eastern side, two wide staircases lead to it, on the opposite side there is another entrance that leads to the madrasah. The mosque attracts with its original architecture, it is decorated with mosaic cladding with rich patterns using graphic and pictorial techniques - traditional Kyrgyz, nomadic embroidery - oimo.
On the right side of the mosque from the entrance there is a towering cylindrical minaret. Visit to the central city square, on the renovated square in 2019 a monument to the outstanding statesman Turdakun Usubaliev was erected in honor of his 100th birthday. The 6-meter-high monument rises in the central part of the city square; one of the domestic businessmen allocated funds for its construction.). Dinner at a local cafe, overnight at the hotel.
Day 15. Naryn - Bash-Kashkasu gorge (124 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Naryn - Ak-Muz village - Bosogo valley - Kyndy pass (72 km).
Our path from Naryn lies to the south, we pass the eastern end of the Alamshyk mountains, soon we will cross the small Chaar pass at an altitude of 2598.6 meters above sea level. From the pass, the road branches off to the large settlement of At-Bashi, the district center of the district of the same name, the distance to it from here is 29 kilometers.
The pass serves as a watershed between the basins of the Naryn and At-Bashi rivers, it should be noted that the At-Bashi river is the left tributary of the Naryn river. From the Chaar pass, the road turns southeast, passes the southwestern spurs of the Naryn Too ridge and soon begins a gentle descent into the wide At-Bashi valley, at the beginning of which is the Ak-Muz village.
After the village, our path lies along the right bank of the At-Bashi river and soon we reach the picturesque Bosogo valley, through which the At-Bashi river flows, here are located numerous farms and livestock farms of the surrounding villages, which with the onset of summer drive cattle here to the lush grass of the meadows.
A short stop and a walk in the Bosogo valley. After the valley, the road turns south, passing the eastern slopes of the At-Bashi ridge and the Besh-Bel-Chir mountains. From here, the ascent begins along the Kyndy River, which is located in the western spurs of the Dzhanydzher ridge, to the Kyndy pass of the same name, 3,398.1 meters above sea level. T
here is a border post at the pass, a stop on the way to the pass, a walk in the surrounding area. Lunch on the way. 
Transfer: Kyndy pass - Arasan rivers, Orto-Kashkasu - Bash-Kashkasu river (52 km).
From the pass, our path lies down, to the south along the Karapa-Tash river, soon the river merges with the right tributary of the Uch-Bulak, after the merger it receives the name Kyndy, which in turn is the right tributary of the Western Aksai River.
In the Kyzyl-Bulak valley, our road turns east. We pass the small Arasan mountain range in the north, in the southern part of Mount Kojete, we ford several rivers and gradually approach the right bank of the Western Aksai River. In the vicinity of the right tributary of the Eastern Aksai, Bash-Kashkasu, we will set up a camp for another overnight stay. Walks in the vicinity, dinner, overnight in tents.
Day 16. Bash-Kashkasu gorge - Kogalyachap plateau (53 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Bash-Kashkasu gorge - Kansu, Akbaital, Korumdu-Su rivers - lakes in Karagermes River valley - plateau and Lake Kogalyachap (53 km).
Our further path lies along a vast valley along which the Eastern Aksai River flows with its numerous tributaries. To our left are the southern slopes of the Dzhanydzher ridge, stretching 120 kilometers in the latitudinal direction. To our right, in the south, is the longest ridge in Kyrgyzstan, Kokshaal-Too, its direction is from the southwest to the east. In the eastern part, the Kyrgyz part of the Kokshaal-Too mountains ends with the highest, grandiose and northern peak, Pobeda Peak, 7,439 meters above sea level. In the western part of the Kokshaal-Too ridge, Dankov Peak dominates, 5,982 meters above sea level.
The Kokshaal-Too ridge contains the highest peaks and summits of Kyrgyzstan, some of which remain unconquered. Lunch on the way. On the way, a stop at numerous lakes in the Karagermes River valley. There are 9 large and about 50 small moraine lakes located on the southern, gentle slope of the Dzhanydzher ridge, limited by the high side of the Eastern Aksay River.
The lakes border on the west with the sources of the Akbaytal River, which originates from the eponymous spur located on the southern slopes of the Dzhanydzher ridge, in the east the lakes border with the northern sources of the Karagermes River and the eastern sources of the Kyzylunet River. We will set up our camp in the vicinity of Lake Kagalyachap, dinner, overnight in tents. 
Day 17. Kogalyachap Plateau.
Breakfast. Today we will take a walk to upper reaches of Kagalyachap Plateau (8 + 8 = 16 km).
From the camp by the lake, our path lies along the northern slope of the plateau, this is a lifeless space at first glance, but from here we will see landscapes that are unlikely to be seen anywhere else. Rarely in the Tien Shan can you see such unique panoramas of high mountains framed by long, valley glaciers and the most beautiful glacial-rocky peaks. In the north, the latitudinal Borkoldoy ridge stretches with its reddish, burgundy, purple slopes not covered with snow and glaciers.
The multi-colored mountains of the ridge contrast sharply with its snow-ice peaks. Far to the west, the wide valley of the Eastern Aksai River opens up, which after the upper reaches gets a new name - Modyuryum, which merges with the Western Aksai, Kokkiya stream after the confluence of all the rivers gets a new name - Kokshaal, which the Kagaliachap plateau is surrounded by the Kotur River, which is the uppermost source of the Uzengegush River, from the eastern and northern sides.
This great river flows to the west, receives the left tributary of the Chong-Terek and turns sharply to the south, cuts through the Kokshaal-Too ridge and goes to China, becoming the left tributary of the Taushkandarya River. We reach a place from where the best panorama of the high-mountain ice-rock massif of Kyzyl-Asker is visible, even here we feel the breath of ice monsters.
Here on the hill are scattered huge, relief and decorative stones, which were brought here by the movement of ancient glaciers. We look and remember. This is the best we have seen so far. In the south of the massif, ice giants rise, which, like giant battlements of an impregnable fortress, block the way to the south. In the southwestern part, against the backdrop of winding glaciers, the grandiose Kyzyl-Asker peak, 5842 meters above sea level, located on the main ridge of the western part of the Kokshaal-Too ridge, stands out.
In the latitudinal direction, it is surrounded by peaks and goes to the west and east, lost in the distant haze and clouds. Return to the camp, dinner, overnight in tents.
Day 18. Kagaliachap plateau - Kokkiya river valley (156 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Kagaliachap plateau - Karagermes lakes - Bash-Kashkasu river - Kyzyl-Bulakvalley  (94 km).
Our route lies along the return route along the valley of the Eastern Aksai and Modyuryum rivers to the Kyzyl-Bulak valley. Lunch on the way.
Transfer: Kyzyl-Bulak valley - Western Aksai River (27 km).
From Kyzyl-Bulak valley the road turns east along the picturesque valley of the Tyuzashu River to Chatyrtash tract and thus we reach the valley of the Western Aksai River. The river flows to the east and soon merges with the Modyuryum River to form the Kokshaal River.
This mighty river cuts through the western part of the Kokshaal-Too ridge and goes to the Republic of China and becomes a tributary of the Tarim River. A new metal bridge has been built across the Western Aksai River for the passage of one car, on the left side of the river are the remains of an old wooden bridge, which was built in the 30s of the XXth century. Stop at the bridge, walk in the surrounding area. 
Transfer: Western Aksai River - canyon on the Kulja-Bashi River (17 km).
Soon we are on the left side of the river, from here we move west and after 11 kilometers we turn along the road to the south, which leads us to the picturesque canyon of Kulja-Bashi. The Big Kulja-Bashi River originates from the northern slopes of the small Sary-Beles ridge located in the western part of the Kokshaal-Too ridge and soon becomes the right tributary of the Western Aksai River. The river with crystal clear and transparent water during its long life has washed a deep canyon in the weak rock and built fantastic, unusually colorful bizarre forms from remnants to numerous, diverse epic stone figures. Walk in the vicinity. 
Transfer: Kulja-Bashi River - Kichin Sarybeles Pass (11 km).
The next stage of our trip is the Kichin-Sarybeles Pass, which is located on the northern slope of the Sary-Beles ridge and separates the valleys of the Kuldzha-Bashi and Kokkiya rivers. From the pass, a colorful and bright view of the ice-rock peaks of the surrounding mountains opens up. From the pass, the road leads to the valley of the Kokkiya River. A walk in the surrounding area. 
Transfer: Kichin-Sarybeles Pass - Kokkiya River Valley (7 km).
Arrival at the Kokkiya tent and yurt camp on the bank of the river of the same name. Accommodation in tents, dinner, overnight.
Day 19. Kokkiya Camp - Lake Kel-Suu.
Breakfast. The camping camp is located on the right picturesque bank of the Kokkiya River, here is a large tent and yurt camp of Kyrgyz tour operators among green meadows. 
Walking tour: Kokkiya camp - Kel-Suu lake (8 + 8 = 16 km).
Today we will take a walk to the high-mountain lake Kel-Suu. It is difficult to get to Kel-Suu lake by car, so as far as possible we will drive by car, and the rest of the way we will walk or ride horses**. The path to the lake is not difficult, several times we will ford shallow rivers, so you can stock up on rubber boots for the walk.
The walk will take about 3 hours on foot one way. For 6 kilometers the climb to the lake will be moderate, the remaining 2 kilometers will be associated with a gradual gain in altitude, and before the lake we will overcome short steep sections. The difference in altitude between the camp and the lake is 200 meters.
Lake Kel-Suu, one of the most picturesque high-mountain lakes in Kyrgyzstan. The natural isthmus offers a panoramic view of the lake, surrounded by majestic cliffs several hundred meters high, among which waterfalls, rock islands, bays and various caves stand out.
The waters of the lake, shimmering in shades of turquoise, are framed by steep peaks, which even in summer retain snow cover. The shade of the water changes depending on the time of day and the angle of illumination. Two kilometers from the blockage, in the depths of a canyon with steep walls, you can see an isolated rock island about fifty meters high.
These rocks are distinguished unique relief, decorated with numerous grottoes, depressions and small caves, creating an unforgettable natural landscape. Return to the camp, dinner, overnight in tents. 
Day 20. Camp "Kokkiya" - caravanserai Tash-Rabat (215 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Kokkiya River Valley - Lake Chatyr-Kul (122 km).
Our return journey leads to the Kulja-Bashi River, soon we reach the right bank of the Western Aksai, turn west. From here we will continue our journey along the valley of the Western Aksai River. The length of the Ak-Sai Valley from the southwest to the northeast is 163 kilometers, the greatest width is 37 kilometers, located in the western part of the valley.
The valley extends from the border ridge Maidantag, which in turn is located in the western pert Kokshaal-Too and to the southern slopes of the At-Bashi ridge in the interfluve of the Kensu and Chet-Ichkesu. The length of the valley is measured from the sources of the Western Ak-Su to the Kogalyachap plateau, where the sources of the East Ak-Sai River are located.
Along the route of our path, we ford the rivers of the right tributaries of the Western Aksai: Tekelik, Kyzyl-Su, the large river Terek, in the upper reaches of which there is a pass of the same name, which from the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century was a connecting section of the Silk Road with the Chinese cities of Artush, Kashgar.
The valley of the Western Aksai River in the north is limited by the latitudinal ridge Atbashi, in the south by the western spurs of the Kokshaal-Too ridge. Starting from the Terek River and up to the left tributary of the Kensu River, the route goes along the bed of the Western Aksu River, which in this area spills over a wide valley.
From the Kek-Aygyr valley, the road heads to the eastern end of Lake Chatyr-Kul. Soon we come to the asphalt road Torugart - Naryn - Bashkek, a new construction, which was completed in 2015. The first construction of this road for carriages and tarantasses began back in 1872.
From here to the Torugart Pass, 3752.2 meters above sea level, which remains to the south, is only 6 kilometers away, around there are customs service buildings. Lunch on the way. On the way, we will visit a mineral spring, which is located 560 meters from the road in the southeastern part of the lake, in these places there are many mineral underground springs, they belong to the Chatyr-Kul deposit of thermal mineral waters.
The water tastes like narzan, locals and tourists come here for the healing water. It is 2.8 kilometers from the spring to the shore of Lake Chatyr-Kul, there is no road, the area is very swampy and impossible to drive. Walk by the springs.
Transfer: Lake Chatyr-Kul - Tuzbel Pass 3574.9 meters above sea level - Akbeit Pass 3282.5 meters above sea level - Tash-Rabat Gorge and Caravanserai (93 km).
Our path from the southern shore of Lake Chatyr-Kul lies to the west, we pass Tuzbel Pass and gradually turn north. We go around the western part of the At-Bashi Range with the Korgon-Tash spur and gradually head northeast, soon we pass Akbeit Pass, reach the small Karabulak River and turn right into the Tash-Rabat Gorge. Arrival at the Tash-Rabat valley, accommodation in a tent camp, dinner, overnight stay. 
Day 21. Tash-Rabat - Naryn (118 km).
Breakfast. After breakfast, visit the Tash-Rabat caravanserai. Tash-Rabat is half built into the hill. The main facade stands entirely on a hill, the side ones - diagonally go into the slope of the gorge. Tash-Rabat is the only surviving structure in Central Asia, laid entirely out of torn stone on clay mortar with sealing the seams with ganch (alabaster mortar).
The main (eastern) facade of the monument is a wall flanked at the corners by minaret-shaped columns with an entrance processed as a portal, which is a monumental volume with 2 rectangular pylons and an arched niche in the center. Tash-Rabat is one of the rare stone structures in Central Asia. 
After the excursion, transfer: Tash-Rabat - Kara-Suu village - Koshoy-Korgon fortification (60 km).
Lunch in a cafe. After lunch, visit the fortification and the Koshoy-Korgon museum complex. The fortification is the remains of a fortress city that existed on the caravan trade route in the 7th - 10th centuries, where the headquarters of the Turkic khans was located. The structure is square in plan, with adobe walls surrounding a large area, identified as "korgon" (translated from Kyrgyz - "fortress").
The length of the southern and northern walls is 283 meters, the eastern 287 meters and the western 289 meters. The area of ​​​​the fortification is 0.09 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 1.16 kilometers. The fortress walls are surrounded by a protective moat and rampart.
The walls reached a width of about 7 and a height of up to 8 meters. Popular rumor connects the name of the fortification with the name of Khan Koshoi - the legendary hero of the Kyrgyz epic "Manas".
Next to the Koshoi-Korgon fortification, 123 meters to the east, is the Koshoi-Korgon Museum.
After end of excursion, transfer: Koshoi-Korgon - At-Bashi River - city of Naryn (58 km). 
Arrival in Naryn, accommodation at hotel, dinner, overnight stay.
Day 22. Naryn - Bishkek (233 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Naryn - Ottuk village - Dolon pass (67 km).
From Naryn, our path lies to the northwest. In the east there are the Onarcha River and begin to ascend the Ottuk Gorge, along which a transparent, picturesque river of the same name flows. Soon the river gets a new name - Kara-Unkur, we leave the valley of this river and begin to climb to the Dolon Pass, 3038.4 meters above sea level.
From the pass to the north flows the sources of the Sary-Bulak River, which belongs to the Chu River basin, to the southeast flows from the pass one of the right unnamed tributaries of the Kichin-Kara-Kudzhur River, belonging to the Naryn River basin.
The relative heights of the nearby mountain peaks are 200 - 300 meters. The slope facing the north to the Sary-Bulak Valley is gentle, and to the Kichin-Kara-Kudzhur Valley it is steep. The Bishkek - Naryn - Torugart highway is laid through the pass. A walk in the vicinity of the pass.
Further transfer: Dolon Pass - Kochkor (55 km).
We descend from the pass to the northwest, pass the Kumbel Mountains in the west, in the east the Ak-Tash spurs in the Kara-Dzhilga ridge. Then we move along the valley of the Sary-Bulak River, in the west there are the beautiful Keng-Sau Mountains, near the village of Sary-Bulak the valley of the John-Aryk River begins, which merges with the Kochkor River and forms the Chu River.
At the end of the Kochkor Valley is the village of Kochkor. Lunch at a local cafe. Visit to the Kochkor District Museum of History and Local Lore named after Osmonaaly Sydyk Uulu.
Transfer: Kochkor - Kubakty Pass 2161 meters above sea level (25 km).
From Kochkor our route lies to the north-east, the valley of the Kochkor River ends, and we enter the narrow gorge of the Chu River, formed by the Karatau Mountains in the east and Kuvaki in the west. Soon one of the roads turns to the east towards the village of Ottuk and further to the southern coast of Lake Issyk-Kul.
We turn left and soon stop at a small platform from where one of the most beautiful views of the Orto-Tokoy reservoir, formed by the Chu River, opens up. The waters of the river settle in the reservoir and continue to flow along the Boom gorge and further into the northern steppes of Kazakhstan.
Transfer: Kubakty Pass - Boom gorge - villages of Kemin, Tokmok, Kant - Bishkek (164 km).
After the Boom gorge our route lies to the west. Arrival in Bishkek. End of the tour.


* On the 2nd day of the tour, if desired, you can take a helicopter flight to the South Inylchek glacier (45 min). Landing on the glacier on the helicopter pad of the tourist company, a walk in the surrounding area, from here in good weather you can see the highest peaks of the Central Tien-Shan, the peaks of Khan-Tengri 7015 meters above sea level and Pobeda 7439 meters above sea level. Return to the base camp "Karkara" (45 min). Such a walk lasts 2 hours in good weather.
** Walking tour to Lake Kel-Suu.
Those who wish can order horses for a horseback ride:
horseback riding - $ 20 per person.
boat ride on Lake Kel-Suu - $ 15 per person.

Author program of Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction from the sanction of the author.


Photos by
Alexander Petrov.